Problem with qmail. Please Help!

Hi all,

I have installed avast for Linux on my qmail server. I have followed the procedures in HOWTO.qmail. After finished the installation, I found a problem that I cannot send email from 1st qmail instance to 2nd qmail instance.

From the qmail log, the error is “delivery 4: deferral:”

Then, I have checked the avastrelay log:
Aug 13 11:21:52 avastrelay[16741]: info: smtp connection with ‘’
Aug 13 11:21:52 avastrelay[16741]: info: closing smtp connection ‘’
Aug 13 11:36:05 avastrelay[16741]: info: smtp connection with ‘’
Aug 13 11:36:05 avastrelay[16741]: info: closing smtp connection ‘’
Aug 13 11:36:47 avastrelay[16741]: info: smtp connection with ‘’
Aug 13 11:36:47 avastrelay[16741]: info: closing smtp connection ‘’
Aug 13 11:42:44 avastrelay[16741]: info: smtp connection with ‘’
Aug 13 11:43:22 avastrelay[16741]: info: closing smtp connection ‘’
Aug 13 11:43:28 avastrelay[16741]: info: smtp connection with ‘’
Aug 13 11:43:28 avastrelay[16741]: info: closing smtp connection ‘’

Nothing gone wrong with avastrelay.

The log of avastd is:
Aug 12 16:44:57 avastd[22363]: info: Starting avast! daemon
Aug 12 16:44:57 avastd[22363]: info: listenning on socket ‘/var/run/avast4mailscanner.sock’
Aug 12 16:44:57 avastd[22363]: info: start new process (‘avast4mail’, pid=22364)
Aug 12 16:44:57 avastd[22363]: info: start new process (‘avast4mail’, pid=22365)
Aug 12 16:44:57 avastd[22363]: info: start new process (‘avast4mail’, pid=22366)
Aug 12 16:44:57 avastd[22363]: info: start new process (‘avast4mail’, pid=22367)
Aug 12 16:44:57 avastd[22363]: info: start new process (‘avast4mail’, pid=22368)
Aug 12 16:44:57 avastd[22363]: info: start new process (‘avast4mail’, pid=22369)
Aug 12 16:44:57 avastd[22363]: info: start new process (‘avast4mail’, pid=22370)
Aug 12 16:44:57 avastd[22363]: info: start new process (‘avast4mail’, pid=22371)
Aug 12 16:44:57 avastd[22363]: info: start new process (‘avast4mail’, pid=22373)
Aug 12 16:44:57 avastd[22363]: info: start new process (‘avast4mail’, pid=22374)
Aug 12 16:44:57 avastd[22363]: info: listenning on socket ‘/var/run/avast4filescanner.sock’
Aug 12 16:44:57 avastd[22363]: info: start new process (‘avast4file’, pid=22375)
Aug 12 16:44:57 avastd[22363]: info: start new process (‘avast4file’, pid=22376)
Aug 12 16:44:57 avastd[22363]: info: start new process (‘avast4file’, pid=22377)
Aug 12 16:44:57 avastd[22363]: info: start new process (‘avast4file’, pid=22378)
Aug 12 16:44:57 avastd[22363]: info: start new process (‘avast4file’, pid=22379)
Aug 12 16:44:57 avastd[22363]: info: start new process (‘avast4file’, pid=22380)

Then, I have tried to telent to port 10025. After connected, I have tried to send an email:

mail from: root
250 Ok
rcpt to: root
250 Ok
451 Message processing failed: Permission denied
Connection closed by foreign host.

Then, I found that there is a “451 Message processing failied: Permission denied”. Do anyone know what’s wrong with my setting?

Thanks a lot.


I had the same problem
got to folder /var/spool/avastrelay
and change permisions to write in the folder…

Permission denied here means that user with is used by avastrelay is unable to create temp output in spool folder /var/spool/avastrelay

Best Regards

Thank you for your information. The avast is running properly in my qmail server. :smiley: