Problem with SafeZone and FlashPlayer

I have a strange problem with SafeZone and a Flash player update.

Some weeks ago, I bought a Windows 7 computer and installed all necessary programs, including Avast.

Everything works fine, except for one problem. When I access the Internet in SafeZone mode (I use Google as browser) some popup tells me to install an Adobe Flash player plugin. When I do so, the program starts to install but stops after 95% is installed so I have to abort the installation. At the same time, the same program tries to update some McAfee crap on my computer too. Thanks to aborting the Flash install, the MCAfee crap is not installed either.

The point is that I already have Adobe Flash player 12 installed.

Another problem is that some content can’t bee viewed if I access some sites in SafeZone mode but everything works fine in normal mode.

How do I solve this problem?

And is the combined FLash Player/McAfee install some malware? In that case, how do I get rid of possible malware already installed before aborting this crazy installation.

Note that I have scanned my computer and no sign of any viruses or malware.

Ignore the warning about Flash.

  1. SafeZone loads without any add ons, this is by design and for security.

  2. Chrome includes its own Flash install, which can be turned on/off. You won’t be able to install Flash in Chrome.

  3. SafeZone is meant for banking/shopping and not general browsing.

  4. Get rid of the McAffee, and be careful to look at what is being included/offered as extra software with downloaded programs.

  5. Haven’t we had this conversation before ?

Yes, we have had this discussion before and I apologize for repeating myself. I just wanted to sort this out with the strange FlashPlayer messages and those files in the sandbox which still are there. I haven’t had those issues before during all thse years with Avast.