Problem with scanning after update

I downloaded AVAST and installed.
My system is PIII 500 Win2K SP4 (italian) - FAT32 - Two partitions, C: and D:.

Once installed I tried a scan with “local hard disk” option (“C:”;“D:”) and it worked, scanned began correctly.

Then AVAST automatically updated (VPS 080505-0).

I tried the scan again with the same “local hard disk” option but it seems the scanning is not doing anything, tested files 0, current status empy, 0% complete.

It seems I can select C: or D: via the “folder” option and it works until I scan one a time.

I haven’t changed any default setting.

Hmmm… if you boot, will this occur again?
Before, just test closing avast and opening it again, will the local hard disk option work?

I know it sounds strange.

I tried rebooting.

I tried also to uninstall and re-install AVAST to see if I changed any option without noticing.

Each time, right after the installation the “local hard disks” works correctly and it stops working after the automatic update. The scanning seems to begin but then nothing happens, stays on 0.

It works if I select each drive separately via “folder” option.

Are you installing (inserting) the registration key?
I suppose you’re using the Home version.

I’ve tried with the home key and the demo key (in different installations), same behaviour.

Does it make any difference if you set the scan sensitivity to Quick/Standard/Thorough?

When I set on “Quick” or “Thorough” It seems to work.
Instead, “Standard” doens’t work (and seems also to “lock” the thing, I have to close and open it again).

That’s interesting (that Thorough works, too) - did you let it finish on Thorough, or did you stop it quickly?

I stopped when it saw about 5000 files and 10% complete, plus I was seeing the current status changing. I am running it to the end now but I guess it will take a while.

In my understanding the 3 methods are different because “quick” and “thorough” don’t look “inside” the file for understanding its “type” from the content (quick) and do not select a related “virus type” depending on the content (thorough).

It’s probably related to the anti-rootkit scan, there was a bigger update recently.

Please try to dump the process when the scanner freezes and upload the dump to our FTP under some unique filename; it should tell us where the problem is. The description on how to do it is here.
The name of the process would be ashSimpl.exe for skinned Simpe UI, ashSimp2.exe for the skinless one (don’t know which one you are using). So, just run the Standard scan, and when the program freezes, use the linked tool.

I’ve got the dump but I don’t know where to send it… Where is the FTP, how can I access?

Edit, got it, I am trying now…

Ok, done, I’ve uploaded in “incoming” and the file name is “LocalHardDiskScan-not-working-ashSimp2.exe.dmp”

I hope I made it right, tell me if you need something else.

igor, I’m having the same problem as the OP, scan works on quick and through but freezes on standard with " initializing engine, please wait" for at least 3-5 minutes, but will eventually run. It will freeze and can only be stopped with Task Manager if you try to stop the scan while " initializing engine, please wait" is displayed.

I also uploaded a file named “” to the ftp server

I’m running Vista H/P sp-1

The issue seems to be fixed with today’s update (080507-0, 07/05/08).

already told about the lock on standard and thorough , quick works

i have the lock up even now , after the update

Does it resume if you wait a few minutes?

no it don’t , waited 13 minutes

Please try to restart the computer (if you didn’t).
If the problem occurs even then, try to generate a dump of the frozen process, as I described in Reply #9 of this thread.

i’m unable to send the file to the ftp, it’s about 6mb zipped

Why - what’s the problem?

my ftp program is old , cannot send (maybe is the firewall) , i tryed and it worked with internet explorer resources but it stopped toward the end giving some error

does the email accept only 1mb attachements ?