Hi, i’m italian…sorry for my english. I’ve downloaded avast, but when i want to download a skin, the download start automatically…when it have finished, i see this error : “C:\Document and settings\Luca\Impostazioni locali\Temporary internet files\Content.IE5\NYL3BXKW\ (name of skin).aswcs was not found”
Do you use any of those download managers ? When you click on link for skin you want to download, skin should be automaticaly installed on your avast! program and it should be in C:/Program Files/Alwil Software/Avast4/Data/Skin subdirectory…
As much as they can help, those downlaod managers can screw things up pretty much. I’m very happy without any of those…
Btw, your post should have different subject… “Problem with downloading skins”, not “problem with skins”, 'cause it’s a totaly different thing… same thing with word “bug”… Vlk doesn’t like word “bug” 'cause people like to use it too often… even sometimes, when problems weren’t caused by program code errors, but by inexperienced user.
Keep us informed about your skins downloading issue…
Try not to leftclick the link - this will start the download to a TEMP directory. Rightclick the link, select “Save as” and choose some location to write the skin to. After the download is finished, “start” the skin file.
Yeah, it’s not shortcut, but it works 100%… just do as Igor suggested, right click on link (not on skin picture, 'cause all it would offer to you is to save picture… and you don’t want that )… so, right click it on link (on the right hand side from skin picture preview, it says: DOWNLOAD), and choose SAVE TARGET AS…
Then just choose where to save that file. Remember location where did you save it, go there and start file by double clicking it.
What do you mean, you don’t have this directory: C:/Program Files/Alwil Software/Avast4/Data/Skin ?
It should be there, 'cause original avast! skin must be in skin directory as well… unless, you changed installation directory while you were installing avast! antivirus…
It should be there, 'cause original avast! skin must be in skin directory as well... unless, you changed installation directory while you were installing avast! antivirus...