Hello! I have the version 7 of avast ! I did a Boot - Time Scan and at the final I found some viruses ( NSIS win32 INF ) , whick now are in the Virus Chest . For delete them , I tried to did a Boot-Time Scan with the option Delete , after that I tried with the option Repair , but I think I don’t remove the viruses from PC because they are yet in the Virus Chest .
How I can remove them from my PC ? Is necessarily to restart my Windows ??
So , a virus which is in the Virus Chest can’t do anything . But it is destroy ? If I push the button Delete , the virus are deleting from Virus Chest or from PC ? This I can’t understand .
If you delete at first…you have no options left
If a file is wrongly detected and you delete…then it is to late.
If you put it in chest you have the option to restore it if it was wrongly detected, so there is no rush to delete from chest. Let the files stay there for a couple of weeks to see if the computer behave ok before you delete from chest
When you delete the file from chest, it is gone forever…to virus heaven.