Problem with spywareblaster updating...error U005

Hi…I thought I post my problem here about spywareblaster and avast might be conflicting with each other but not too sure. I could use your help.

Spywareblaster 4.1 and avast 4.8.1229 windows xp home SP3 and kerio firewall…nothing else is running in the background. No security/privacy programs. This is my son’s HP computer.

He had older version of spywareblaster so I disabled all protection then uninstalled spywareblaster…reboot. Then I installed new version 4.1 and enable all protection.

Everytime I tries to update spywareblaster…I received an error U005 something is blocking spywareblaster’s updating. So someone suggested it might be avast. Today, I paused network shield, email, p2p, instant messaging…then tried to updating…it went without a problem no error at all.

So my question are…should I stop these shields? Do we really need it? Just use standard and web shields? I need to know…also what level of sentsitivty should I use? Normal, high or custom?

Most appreciated for any help…thanks!! hugs, Rose

Well avast isn’t a firewall but an anti-virus scanner and it alerts to infection, that is when it would block (the execution of the file).

Having uninstalled and then reinstalled, I would have though that this would trigger Kerio to challenge the connection for the spywareblaster update. If you answer no then the update would fail. So you need to check Kerio’s blocked applications list (sorry I don’t use Kerio so don’t know where to look) and either change it to allow. Or delete the entry for spywareblaster’s update and do another update, kerio should then ask permission again, answer yes.

Other than the above I don’t really see what else it could be.

Hmmm, my daughter in law have windows firewall on her laptop and I received same error U005 when I updated spywareblaster 4.1 on her laptop. She have avast 4.8.1229 also.

Kerio never asked me for permission. He is using free version.

No answers to my other questions about shields?


I don’t have any problem updating SpywareBlaster’s definitions on any of my 3 XP systems but then I don’t run any software based firewall other than Windows built in one.

Then I don’t understand what was the problem??? I had no problem updating on my pc either. I have avast…I am visiting here for awhile. I was helping them for their pc.

Do you use all shields enable? Rose

I have just today updated spywareblaster all the usual shields enabled an no problems.

Is there a spywareblaster forum wher you can try a forum search for error u005 ?

The place to start is here, and

I believe that this was your post on Wilders, correct?

I dunno if its related or not, but if it works not, do you want to risk something to determine the absolute source of the problem?

Try uninstalling SpywareBlaster, reinstalling, and update again (with avast! on).
**No go? Disable avast! protection (try one by one, then multiple) and update.

If it updated by itself, it must’ve been something with SpywareBlaster itself.

If it updated with avast! disabled, I guess the Alwil team has to look into it deeper.

Good luck :wink: !!

Yes that was me posting at spywareblaster forum…

Like I posted…I paused shields and seemed to work. It updated so fast just like it used to but with those shields on, it took forever and I had to click ok twice with an error U005 showed up.

I already uninstalled spywareblaster with avast on and so I guess I can uninstall again without avast shields on. I think I will leave standard shield on and see what happens.

Besides all that, pages seems very slow loading with all shields on.

:-\I just have to keep trying but it’s annoying and time consuming

Thank you for helping…Rose

I updated with no problem but I do not use P2P

I only have:
Instant Messaging set to Normal
Internet Mail set to High
Network Shield set to Normal
Standard Shield set to Normal
Web Shield set to Normal

I bet that the problem is the firewall.

What version is the firewall?

[i]Let me throw something else out here: What version of Sygate? Pre-Symantec or after Symantec took it over? :frowning:

I also have the latest version of SpywareBlaster installed and am using a Pre-Symantec version of Sygate and all works to perfection…

YoKenny makes a good point about the firewall…[/i]

:slight_smile: Hi Rose :

I think the problem revolves around a possible “Proxy” problem, based on the
suggestion of “javacool” on the SpywareBlaster Support Forums . In Avast’s
WebShield Provider, there is a “Redirected HTTP port(s)” box, and in mine I
have placed “80,8080” because apparently my ISP uses a “Proxy” ; this
Subject is covered in Avast’s Web Shield FAQs, which has :
"Q: My ISP wants me to use their HTTP proxy server for accessing the Internet.
In the Internet Explorer options dialog I can see my proxy server address is set as, and the port as 3128 (or any other address/port details).
How can I configure the ‘Web Shield’ to work in this situation?


On NT-based system (Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003):

Right click the avast (a) icon in the taskbar.
Choose “On-Access Protection Control”
Find Web Shield in the provider list and click Customize.
In the line “Redirected HTTP ports” add the port of your HTTP proxy, e.g.: 80, 3128
Web Shield will now monitor the communication between the browser and the proxy server. If the proxy server is running on your PC (localhost), also clear the “Ignore local communication” checkbox. "

To eliminate this as the possible Cause, your Relative’s ISP should be
contacted as to IF they use a Proxy Service/Server and IF yes, what
“Port Number” is it using !? Or follow the Example in the “Q” .

On my computer, I have all but the “Outlook/Exchange” & “P2P” Providers
running and I have no difficulty updating SpywareBlaster 4.1 .

P.S. Probably the easiest way to discover IF an ISP is using a “proxy” is to go
to “Internet Options”, click “Connections”, click “Settings”, click “Advanced” under
“Proxy Settings” and see IF any “Port Number” is listed !?

Spiritsongs, I will look into it but right now I can’t because their pc is in their bedroom and she is sleeping so I am using my own laptop.

Yesterday, I disabled all protection in spywareblaster…waited and then I enabled all protection again…I tried to updated with avast only standard and web shield on. It went smoothly and fast.

So now I will try again with all shields on next time.

ProgrammerGuy and YoKenny, my son’s pc has free version kerio firewall and daughter in law has windows firewall on her laptop. I have no problem with mine. Just theirs.

I will post back till next updates from spywareblaster…I thank you all for helping! Much appreciated!!

hugs, Rose