the streaming video does not start with windows media player when the WebShield is enable. If I disable it, the video starts. On the other way, a streaming videos encoding for realplayer starts even if the webShield is enable.
Here is my system configuration :
Firefox 1.5
windows media player 10
windows XP Familial SP 2
connection wifi 11Mbits/s
p.s: with IE it works well (with real and with win media)
Welcome to the forum Tzi.
Your still using an old version of FireFox.
I suggest you update, retry and see if your problem is fixed.
If not, since it works with IE, your problem isn’t with webShield but with the
browser your using.
Hope that helps.
first, thanks for your quick reply
Oops i said it works with IE, but I re-check now and it doesn’t work. (with ie7 and ff2)
I have the message : Connecting to the media… and then : Ready
But the video doesn’t start. If i look video properties, only the duration is defined (codec video, audio, size,…no one of theses is defined)
Sorry, I’ve been away.
I simply paused Web Shield, made the changes and then restarted Web Shield.
Then closed the browser, Reopend the browser and again went to the link.
You may have to refresh your browser.