Problem with user accounts


I’ve installed Avast on my user account (Windows XP). There are two accounts on my computer, both adminstrators. When I load Avast in the second account, it wants the licence key again… when I put it in, it says it’s invalid. I’ve tried getting a second key with my girlfriend’s e-mail (her user account) and it still doesn’t work. I’ve also tried reinstalling on her account, and it says I have improper authorization with that account.


Did you install avast from the administrator account (so it is available for all users), not an account with administrator privileges?

If you did this has been known to happen, but normally for restricted user accounts.

It would probably be best to uninstall, reboot and install using The Administrator account.

I installed Avast from the administrator account… there are two accounts on the computer, and they are both administrators. I installed it from the primary one, though. Is there something in the installation or options I need to do to ensure the program will be accessible on all accounts?

In the meantime, I’ll try re-installing…

In my Windows XP, two out of three accounts are adminstrators. I install avast! using the second adminstration account and the other two accounts did not required another key, it was fine. Just try re-installing avast! and see what happens. :-\

Well I tried unstalling from my account and reinstalling on the second admin account, but it still says I have don’t have the authority to install on that account (the second). This I totally do not understand as it is, as I say, another admin account.

Is there anything I’m missing? MAN I love computers… ::slight_smile:

I know it’s too late but in XP more than the ADMINISTRATOR account and ONE user with ADMIN RIGHTS always brings trouble.
The ADMINISTRATOR usually is hidden and only one with ADMIN RIGHTS should done (intall) everything.
Downgrade (from ADMIN RIGHTS to normal/common user) is the worst thing… Start a new user and configure it will bring you less headaches…