problem with windows after removal of Trojan

I now have another problem with my computer after running the fix on the Trojan. This was fixed after advice from two avast! Überevangelists

Has worked and got rid of the Trojan so thanks for that but now have another small issue.

When Windows starts up - it takes a long time and it says

Windows has a problem starting C:\Users\SUESHE-1\AppData\Local\Temp\mdi444.dll
The specified module could not be found

Eventually I am able to click OK on this error box and it disappears. Windows does then seem to work properly.
As above it takes about 5 minutes for this to be ok.

Can you please advise on this


Please stay in your initial topic, you’ll obtain help there. Thanks.

you have to be patient when seeking help in the forum. the removal experts does not work for avast, they are volunteers and use there free time here helping

essexboy is usually online after work hours uk time, and will be back in your topic later today