problème de mise à jour

j’ai un ordinateur connecté à internet sur lequel il y a avast! antivirus édition familiale, mais je dispose d’un autre ordinateur non connecté à internet. Comment faire la mise à jour de ce dernier.

I’ve two computers, the first is connect to internet, but the seconde isn’t connect to internet. How to update avast! 4 family edition on my seconde computer?

One is the avast! VPS Update - Manual Download - For updating an off-line systems, download using a system with internet connection, save the file to a CD or USB drive and transfer it to the off-line system and run it to update the VPS signatures file.


Incremental VPS update work around for off-line system. The quote below works, tested on off line system requires a reboot for the WSC to also recognise the updated VPS.