I’m italian and I don’t speak english very well. So please forgive me for the mistakes. I have OUTLOOK EXPRESS and two mail accounts in two differents providers. With avast can I deal two providers ? I copy the section [mailscanner] of the avast4.ini file. Can you say to me if it’s ok and if AVAST controle the e-mail ?
Wellcome Lorenzo… We can understand your English very well.
Don’t mess the ‘default’ pop3/smtp server (used with some email programs) and the possibility to use avast with any number of servers.
You can let your avast4.ini file like you post if you connect the Internet through wanadoo.fr
Or, change that settings to your Internet Provider.
Better if you run Mail Protection Wizard (Start Menu > All programs > avast antivirus > MPW) and protect automatically all your email accounts and the ‘default’ pop3/smtp servers.
Just go to the Instant Messaging provider and click on Customize.
In fact, you can check or un-check any P2P application to use avast!