Problems after re-install

I recently had to uninstall Avast Server edition from my SBS 2003 server while resolving a problem with Microsoft.

Afterwards, I reinstalled Avast using the latest download file avsvr_ful.exe dated 3/23/2004 from your website. Everything seemd to go OK and I used the instructions you sent me last time I had to install the program.

This morning I noticed that my clients are reporting a number of viruses in their Outlook 2003 inbox. Prior to this, The AVast Exchange module had been catching these at the server, stripping out the viruses, and placing log entries in event viewer. This is no longer happening.

Everything seems happy with Avast at the server, except that it doesn’t seem to be working. Can you help me trouble shoot this problem?


  1. Have you completed the Server Deployment Wiz after installation?

  2. When you click the avast tray icon, are the Exchange 2000/2003 and SMTP 2000/2003 providers active? If not, what’s their status? What’s their ‘Last Scanned File’ entry? And what about the ‘Number of Scanned Files’ field?


Looks like you fixed another one!
I did run the wizard after installation. However, the installation does not automatically include the providers for the server products. I added the required providers by using add/remove programs, but then forgot to run the Wizard again.
Is it normal for Exchange, Proxy/ISA, etc, not to automatically install, or am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for your help,

Well… yeah, your basically right. :slight_smile:

The default install option is just plain Server Edition (no Exchange/ISA/SharePoint etc. plugins) because that’s the typical scenario.

But if you add these components later, you need to rerun the wizard - otherwise the providers will not be included in the active resident task. Of course, there are other ways how to make these providers active (e.g. by starting them from the tray icon, and making the changes persistent when asked if you want to do so… or editing the resident task in the avast Enhanced User Interface) but the fact is that something needs to be done - it is not done by the installer.

Hope this helps,