problems after system restore. Need help

What a headache!! I had this same problem found here :
Re: Cant run system restore topic=57808.0

Unfortunately, when I came back from my trip, I tried to run a system restore before updating my computer and this got me into a mess.After days working these many pains :frowning: of undo and restore … I found the related posts

that says: You need to disable the avast self-defense module and then run the system restore
I could not find how to disable self defense, Sooo

I ended up doing “undo restore” of the system in safe mode. and finally Avast is working again and updated OK.
Has anyone try system restore after this fix in version 5.0594? it looks good I wish I would have waited

Now I need help uninstalling PC Tools Firewall which I had disabled but now windows uninstaller cannot find the way to uninstall it.
message reads: Programx86) files \PC tools missing unis000.msg. please correct or obtain a new copy of the problem>

Should I try to install/repair pctFW and then uninstall it? I don’t want to mess up again.

I’m using: Windows 7 64 bit

avast! IS 5.0594 (firewall on)

MBAM full version (just installed today)

PC Tools firewall 6.0 plus (disable) { I upgraded (vista/avast 4 pro) to (windows 7/avast 5 pro) but could not get my license to work so got AIS I should have uninstall PC tools firewall before this }

:(??? Please I’d really apprecciate any help


If there is a repair function available, I would try doing that first and then, if you decide to, see if you can uninstall it. :slight_smile:


And if there is no repair function (I don’t recall there being one), then re-install the firewall. (The installer may produce a message: “C:\Program files\PCtools.… folder already exists. Install to that folder anyway?”
Answer “yes”. (make sure any other firewall is turned off or uninstalled, first.)
If everything appears to be working, then uninstall the firewall, and carry on doing whatever you wanted to do.

Have the Windows firewall turned on any time you are connected to the net, and a third party firewall is not installed.
For info the self defense module in Avast is found by opening the interface, selecting “settings” and then “troubleshooting”.
There is a checkbox to untick.

Yesterday before I updated Avast I made sure Avast Firewall was on but forgot to check windows firewall after I notice that windows firewall was off then turned it on as well since I read in other posts that Avast firewall works along windows firewall and I think that was the default after installing AIS firt time. Is this correct? ( I mean turning both on after unistalling PCTFW

I will try your suggestions today. forums PC tool forum has some Posts showing many problems with Windows 7 after uninstalling the firewall.

Thanks so much for the fast answer. I will let you know if it solves the problem.

I’m not using system restore anymore (I’m using Comodo Time Machine) but seems that avast problems were indeed solved with 5.0.594 version.
Also, disabling the firewall could not be enough to install another one. AIS will conflict with PC Tools firewall.

Read about Tech’s problems with Comodo Time Machine

Follow Tarq57’s advice.

Yesterday before I updated Avast I made sure Avast Firewall was on but forgot to check windows firewall after I notice that windows firewall was off then turned it on as well since I read in other posts that Avast firewall works along windows firewall and I think that was the default after installing AIS firt time. Is this correct?
I have read that the Avast firewall and the Windows firewall can be on together, on this forum, and if I remember correctly it was posted by one of the Avast team, so you're probably right in saying that.

Remember: the problem could be in avast sandbox. It’s avast driver that is crashing.
Both teams are working to solve this.

You were right, no repair option and right again in the installation instructions. I turned Windows FW off and stopped Avast firewalls and installed PCTFW in the same folder.

Then I did heed Tech’s warning so did not let it reboot normally but rebooted straight to safe mode and then uninstalled PC tools firewall and VOILA!! gone!

Sooo relief! I restarted normally and notice AIS’s firewall was already turned on automatically, perhaps this might have caused problems if not rebooting in safe mode (just in case someone has the same problem) at forum PC Tools I did read many posts about problems uninstalling PC Tools FW with windows 7

Now I will see If I decide to do system restore. I did so many times seems I by mistake did a files and settings restore and might have lost some restore points. Therefore it might not be worthy.

Just wanted to thank you all So Much for your insight and great help. My computer is back working now :slight_smile:

Avast and its forum are great!

I wouldn’t be inclined to carry out any more system restores now, if everything is working well; leave it alone.
If you find a program doesn’t work properly, rather than system restore, just try re-installing that program. This would likely only apply to programs that were installed after you first used system restore during this hassle, so, probably none.

Glad it’s all good, now.

No, no system restore for now, I need a break after that. ::slight_smile: I did it because I had issues trying to make a program work with windows 7 which was made for windows XP (as I imagine many are going thru the same issues) but no more restore.

on another subject, I will like to know if there is a "reset default settings for all the AIS. Just to make sure it is all right in case something gets messed up.

Also we have installed virtualbox w/ubuntu in it and AIS setting for friends shows “Allow all Connections” for virtualbox
Should this be the settings? It seems to me “allow all connections is low security” (A friend did the installation). Please advise if this is not right.

Many thanks again.

I don’t think there is a reset default button, though it has been suggested/asked for.
Perhaps you could keep yourself a record of any changes you make on notepad, and save the textfile in a folder?

Good idea.

What about the settings for virtualbox are they right? please see added note

Million thanks

No added note above, StelRV

I have successfully uninstalled PC tools firewall.

I meant to ask about the application rules for Virtualbox in the avast Firewall: Is “all connection allowed” the suggested settings / “auto decide” settings?
I think I read in another topic Tech mentioned he’s running Virtualbox.

Could you kindly confirm the default application rules for best security for Virtualbox. I just want to make sure. I’d appreciate it.