Problems connecting to net

Whenever i open my browser i get a message saying ‘document contains no data.’ However, if I disable On-Access Protection, I can load any page like normal. This is the first time I’ve ever used Avast!. Thanks for any help.

ismaddict (at) yahoo (dot) com

First things first can you give us some system data eg OS, Firewall, Browser, Avast version.

Second Have you allowed Avast Services to access the net through your firewall particularly Web scanner should be given server rights.

Finally welcome and congratulations for using a decent AV ;D

I’m running XP Pro SP2 with Windows Firewall. I use Firefox 1.0.3 and Avast Pro 4.6.652 Build Apr2005.

Under My Firewall I have allowed Avast! Antivirus. I’m also not on a network. I connect directly to my modem.

OK first disable just webshield Left click the icon select webshield the press terminate, select just for this session then try to access a web page.

If this works then it is the webshield causing the problem. What you need to do then (and here I’m not sure about XP firewall ) is restart webshield and allow it server access (webshield acts as a proxy and in XP should be done transparently) The file name is ashwebsv.exe

Try that and get back if it doesn’t work.

You have the same set up as me except I use ZAPro.

Thanks for the advice but I already fixed it. I just got a different firewall. I grabbed Zone Alarm Pro. It sent a message saying something about the web Shield and transparent…can’t remember exactly but I clicked yes as recommended and everything has worked perfectly. Maybe Windows Firewall is just pathetic? Thanks anyway for your help.

Glad to hear it. If you want experiment and use the full power of webshield check out
Avast external shield by rejzor but be advised you will need to turn off the privacy funtions of ZA. Read the readme file for explanations (or is it the dont ever read me file)
