problems in removing viruses

Hi guys,
I’ve just installed avast and he found 2 viruses (that Norton used yo ignore…damn it >:( :():

-Win 32: Blaster (wrm) in C:\windows\system32\TFTP344

-win32:RPCexploit (trj) in C:\documents and settings\all users\dati applicazioni\microsoft\Dr Watson\user.dmp

In both cases I wasn’t able to remove them: avast has given an error.
What should I do?
Thanks to everyone!

P.S. I’m using XP pro

You can safely delete the files.

Can I ask you to give me some more details about the files I’m going to delete (especially the first one, it seems a system file, i’m a little bit scared ???.. thanks for your help

As the original report says - it’s the Win32:Blaster worm. There should not be any TFTP344 file in the system folder (the real system file is called tftp.exe).
The other file is just a Dr. Watson’s memory dump, created during a program crash (caused by the Blaster worm again - it crashes the RPC service when the computer gets infected).

Thanks for your help Igor, it was very kind of you! :smiley: