Problems loading Hardocp web page

I’m having problems loading the Hardocp website
Some other people are having a similar problem

Most other websites are OK

I have to disable Avast to get it to load fully. This has only happened in the last few days.
I also have to disable Avast to log into my Netgear router web configuration.

Any ideas?

When I have Webshield running the pages load but the Front page never finishes :frowning: the forum page is fine. With Webshield disabled both pages load perfect and faster.

Seems to be a loopback between the WebShield proxy, firewall, browser…
Maybe if you search for the word ‘loopback’ in the forums you can find more… If I’m not wrong, I remember to have read something about it.
Sorry, I don’t know the solution right now…

Hi Technical, I wasn’t looking for an answer. I don’t have problems with webshield, was only testing for willsy.

I cleaned my cache and now things are fine, think it’s the large amount of ads on Hardocp front page as I’m on dialup.

I have to disable Avast to get it to load fully

You shouldn’t have to disable (and don’t) Avast!, maybe try to pause Webshield and see what happens.

No problems here, I disabled both Adblock and Flashblock before going to As in other thread with simular problem try that new ashwebsv.exe file and direct link here Was made cause of simular problem with other page.

Backup ashwebsv.exe first so you can restore.