Problems Runnings Windows 7 Firewall with Avast Firwall

Avast Ver 110427-0 Date 27.04.2011
Program 6.0.1091
Windows service pack 0ne

I wonder if there are any body out there with the same problem as me , I keep getting a warning flag telling me that Avast Firewall is turned off however when I check Avast its telling me that Avast is on and running ?
When you go to the Action Center and click on Firewall programs installed it tells me Avast is turned off and Windows Firewall turn on .

You dont seem to be able to turn off Windows Firewall or Avast back on ?

Should I remove Avast then reinstall it or is there some other way ?

Thanks for reading .


You have Avast IS installed with a valid licence, registered properly?

Yes have been running Avast for the past 2 year and yes I did buy it . However the update from my end is I removed Avast and reinstalled it and now both windows FireWall and Avast firewall are working .
I can only put it down to that I did upgrade from Vista ULTI to Windows 7 ULTI and Windows must have turned Avast off any way its all ok now .

Thanks again


Great. ;D

Have fun