Problems Since Updating

I have Avast Pro Antivirus. I recently updated to 2218.

Since then my computer will not boot on first attempt (XP) …it proceeds to about half way through the boot sequence and then freezes. A reboot 2 or 3 times usually fixes the problem…if not …then a Boot into Safe Mode and a System Restore does the trick. It’s annoying, but (I guess) workable.

The bigger problem is whenever I attempt to “open” one of the External HDD’s attached to the PC. The avast process seems to go into a “scanning mode”. This process can take several minutes before the external drive is released for me to access. Even when I insert an empty 8 gig usb memory stick…Avast takes over and does “something” for the next 60 seconds or so before releasing the usb drive.

I have spent so much time turning on and off so many of the Avast Settings…all to no avail. I simply cannot find the “setting” (I presume) which will prevent Avast from performing this tast.

Can anyone help please??//

See if a clean installation is solving things:

I have uninstalled and reinstalled Avast twice. The problem persists.

This morning I had to reboot twice to no avail. I then Booted into Safe Mode and did a System Restore to a restore point I made yesterday. As had been happening for the past weeks…this process allows the computer to “Boot” correctly. It seems the “restore process” causes the computer to “bypass” whatever Avast is doing during a “normal” boot sequence which causes the sequence to fail.

Any thoughts please???...\

Did you use the uninstall tool ?
Is/was there any other security (related) software on the system ?
What SP do you have ?