My friend is running Windows XP HOME Edition (SP1a) and is up to date. He was running Norton SystemWorks 2003 and started having problems with it and I told him to uninstall it and he did. He then installed AVAST 4.1 HOME. He just called me the other day and said AVAST 4.1 had stopped working. He also told me that his recycle bin was still titled Norton Protected Recycle Bin. I told him to uninstall AVAST 4.1 Home. Then I told him to try to reinstall Norton Systemworks 2003. Then to uninstall it again. His recycle bin is still titled with Norton Protected Recycle Bin. He has tried numerous ways to uninstall the program both through add/remove programs and using Norton’s uninstall utility for that program. He has also tried numerous registry cleaners with no luck. The recycle bin still shows as Norton on the desktop. Any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks again in advance.
Here is how to manually remove Norton systemworks >
Reboot after removing and the problem should be solved. Don’t forget to tell him to install Avast again!
Thanks for the link. Anybody else have any ideas?
I was wondering if VLK or Igor had any additional ideas to deal with this problem short of reinstalling the operating system.
Well, I may be misunderstanding something, but what is the problem with Norton Protected Recycle Bin? It’s Norton Antivirus that has conflicts with avast!, but there shouldn’t be any problem about the recycle bin…
His system with AVAST 4.1 Home was saying Norton was still installed as far as the Antivirus Part but the only thing that could be found on his system were files that led to the Norton Protected Recycle Bin. What I am thinking is there may be some stray key in the registry that was missed or not uninstalled.
When did avast! say that Norton is still installed - at the beginning of avast! installation, or was it the avast! resident protection when Windows is started?
When windows starts and resident protection kicks in. He is running version 4.1.357. He also had previous versions on his system with no problems at all. He just emailed me and said it all started after 4.1.357.
The build 357 added detection of NAV2003. Maybe it is not 100%… it would be a question for Vlk, but unfortunatelly he is away for a week.
There probably are some of the services NAVRT, SAVRT or SAVRTPEL present on the computer. I would say (according to their name) they really are part of NAV, but maybe SystemWorks uses them, too ???
Thanks for the help Igor. I really appreciate it. I’ll have him try a manual uninstall of the product and see if that works based on the link Artas supplied and if that doesn’t work I’ll post a message again and if that doesn’t work I’ll wait for VLK to return in one weeks time.
Are you sure the Trash Can is still Norton protected?
It might be possible that the un-installer just “forgot” to rename it. If you right click on it, you can rename it.
I am not too familliar with Norton (thank goodness!) but if it is really Norton protected, it should say so when you open it.
If not, check the Add/Remove programs for additional Norton modules.
In this forum you can find a lot of information about Norton uninstallation.
I do recommend you use RNAV2003 or this link to download and then remove traces of NAV into your registry: for removing the most fastidious at clearing out the vestiges of the software and sparing users’ headaches. Download and run the application. If you have already done the first step, choose ‘No’ to continue.
You can rename your Recycle bin with a Windows tweak application like X-Setup 6.3. I do not have it installed right now but I know you can rename special folders of windows with it. Make a search for Recycle Bin.
But, I think the problem of your friend has nothing to do with the name of Recycle bin but with the presence of other Symantec drivers and keys into the Registry.