I loaded avast 2014 in January in place of Microsoft, folowing good reviews, but have just had to remove it because of problems
when it did the initial search, I ended up with a blank screen with a couple of characters top left. On trying to restore a dump, I found that Avast had changed the boort recod, on restoring this I found it had also relabeled the hidden recover drive to be visible. I sent in a a Tech report in January…so far nothing except a ticket number. WHAT support?
2)yesterday my system (win7 64bi) froze with disk activity on bootup for 2 hours…for an emergency avast update according to task manager
I gave up, and went to AVG
What went wrong? The world says Avast is good, so it must be my setup? I do have tuneup utilities I suppose
What other security software do you have now or ever had?
If uninstalled how was it removed?
Now that you have AVG you should use their uninstaller. You will find it here.
Try a clean install of avast…
Download and save the avast uninstaller.
This is to get rid of any avast leftovers from your previous install.
Download and save your choice… Free Pro AIS Premier
Run uninstaller from above. You will be directed to reboot into safe mode…click “yes”
Install choice from above.
Reboot and either register or insert license.
Note: You may need to reboot again.