Not sure why it is happening either as this is the first time I have seen this in relation to the account linking.
It wasn’t so much seeing that the shields are running - but what was telling you they aren’t running, unless it is the avastUI telling you that shields aren’t running, I can’t see how. The shields are all controlled by the main avastSvc.exe (service), so they aren’t separate. If avastSvc.exe is running the shields should be running, if they aren’t then I would expect the avast UI to inform you (using the changed icon, etc.)
I've been monitoring memory usage and such as well and when these things happen on a log-in where avast! delays on startup, it seems that not all shield modules are loaded and it takes anywhere from 20-30 seconds for them all to start working.
Braver: I never leave my AVAST connected to an account and it isn’t necessary for protection purposes (though I don’t use v9 so David can correct me if I am wrong), so if I were you I wouldn’t waste my time and just leave the account disconnected. Later (weeks) you can try connecting it again, if you really want to be connected, and the bug might have been worked out by then. Who knows… could be something going on on the AVAST server that handles the accts… might not be a local problem. JMO.
If you only have one installation - then is isn’t much of an issue - if however, you have several installations, PCs, Android phone/s that you look after (family, etc.), if no one is connected to the account there are no stats that you can monitor.
I see… it’s just I always had my account connected before and there was no issue but… if it’s not needed then I guess I’ll just keep it off. Thanks for the help guys.
If I get any more problems regarding this issue I’ll post here some more, but since it’s relatively stable without the connected account then I’ll leave it for now.