Problems with Kodak software

Hi to all!
Does anyone know of a possible conflict with Kodak drivers/software?

Running Win98SE Lite
Avast 4.6
I use CodeStuff startop manager…I had disabled Kodak from loading on start-up, but recently enabled it to download some pictures from the camera.

Upon reboot, Windows froze at loading of Avast and ZoneAlarm.

After dozens of attempts, I disabled the Kodak software, rebooted, and Avast worked!

Not sure of the problem, and somewhat paranoid…I did a back-up and clean install of Windows…

Now all works fine, except for the reinstallation of Avast…I even downloaded the installation package from the website, still no go!

Upon start-up of Avast Antivirus the following error messages are received:

Unknown error
Storage cannot be created for the “Splash” task

Unknown error
Cofiguration is not loaded properly. Error: dbsCreateObject

Unknown error
Program cannot save parameters to the storage! (Error: dbsCreateObject

Upon trying to manually scan “Kodakccs.exe”, and “KodakCCS” Avast gives the following error:
Error message
Program cannot create “Object” in “Storage”

These 2 files exist in the following locations:


KodakCCS.exe C:\Program Files\Common Files\Kodak_dr

Any ideas?

Everything worked properly in the past…and I have been totally satisfied with the performance of Avast

Any response would be greatly appreciated

   Thanks, Wayne

Hi Again!,
The problem was solved!
After some thought, I did what I should have done in the beginning…I searched the forum for posts regarding these particular errors, and found the solution!

PS: In the future, i’ll research before posting!

PS: In the future, i'll research before posting!
Wise words Wayne, now you know the power of the forums, there is so much information for those prepared to look ;D

I take it you changed the database storage method to XML.

A belated welcome to the forums.