Problems with latest update

I’m using
Windows XP SP1
Avast Home Free 5.1.889 (at least that’s what my restore point turns it into)

I try to update to 6.0.1125. Everything works fine until I reboot. I get to the windows logo, then the pc reboots on its own. It just keeps going like that.

I tried using system restore. But now my old avast version doesn’t want to start anymore. It just keeps saying unprotected. The fix button and the start button on avast doesn’t do anything. Rebooting doesn’t fix it.

Repairing doesn’t work using the program in add/remove programs. It says it can’t repair and just wants me to update. So I try that too. Same result. I restore again and try repair again. It works when I looked for an update first, but not update and repair instead. Guess what, it gives the same problem again. So now I’m back where I started. Is there any way to get 5.1.889 to work again without trying to use/update to the latest version?

I don’t really want to use the latest version. I’ve already restored around 3 times and getting sick of it.

Install SP3 and all the current updates,
and then try to install 6.0.1125.
And welcome to the forum.

Nevermind. I managed to fix it by downloading the setup program of the old version and repairing using that.

Nevertheless, you should update your XP…! :wink: