Since I installed the new avast update (today morning), I’ve been getting some conflicts between Avast and Sygate Personal Firewall Pro. This always happens when avast tries to autoupdate (if i update normally there aren’t any problems).
As soon as it starts auto-updating, a Sygate message comes up asking if I want Avast to access the network. I choose “Yes” and mark the “Remember my option” checkmark. The problem is that after clicking yes, another message comes up, and another, and another…
It’s strange though that with the manual update everything runs smoothly.
I assume you mean a "VPS" Update, not a Program
Update !? Perhaps the info in the "Sygate Personal
Firewall Guide" at :
may provide some insight !?
yes, I really wasn’t very specific at that point. The problem happens when the program tries to auto update the virus database.
I’m familiar with most of SPF options and I have it well tuned. It didn’t give me any problems until the newest program update so it must have been something the update changed on the way the autoupdater works?
I think not… nothing changed in its behavior as far we know…
Can’t you delete the avast entries into Sygate and start to ‘add’ them all over again?
Sometimes, firewall does not ‘save’ its options…
Tech, Didn’t Vik say that in the new update (4.7.871) the auto-updater would now run with normal priority (used to be high priority) ? Could that be causing the problem?
I’m not sure it is on this update or in avast 5.0 :
Anyway, changing the priority should not mess the update process.
The problem here seems to be related with Sygate firewall settings…