Problems with Outlook 2003 and avast

My license recently ran out so I went to the web page, downloaded and installed the new release. Now, whenever I run outlook, I get the following error when outlook starts and whenever I try to access an e-mail: “Avast: Unable to connect to the Avast engine. Avast mail protection cannot be started.” with an “OK” button. Upon clicking “OK” I get the following error box: “The add-in “C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashOutXt.dll” could not be installed or loaded. This problem may be resolved by usint the Detect and Repair on the Help menu.”

Tried Detect and Repair - no good. e-mailed support. He suggested I rename/remove extend.dat. Did it - no good either.

Anyone else run into this? If so, how did you resolve it. If not, anyone have any ideas?


Are you sure that if you search the board for ashOutXt.dll you won’t find the answer?
Which license expired? avast Trial, avast Pro version?

searched for ashOutXt.dll - it’s there and dated the same as the others. The size is 188 KB. The license is the free home license that it said expired. I went online to renew and that’s when things went south…

Anything else I can look at or any other ideas?

Tech said 'you search the board for ashOutXt.dll ’ using the forum search function and see if it has been covered, which is likely.

One of the hits returned reveals this link

What, couldn’t you receive the email with the new registration key?

I registered twice in a week and 1/2. Never did receive an e-mail.

That means only one thing… e-mails are being treated as SPAM which is not correct of course. Check with your mail provider or if you use any local anti-spam program, then just exculde all e-mails that are coming from avast! (Alwil).

That was the main problem with those e-mails for thousands of other users. :wink: