Problems with PDF after updating Avast


This is my first post and I’m not sure if this is the right place to post it… My problem has started today after update Avast aplication.

I have installed version 17.1.2286 (build 17.13394.42) and my problem is that I try to generate a pdf file with a pdf printer (bioPDF or PDF Creator) and I’m unable to do it… It creates the new file, but it says that another user has opened it. After that point I can’t delete it unless I reboot the computer.

Before doing the avast update everything was working ok. And if I deactivate Avast before generating the pdf file, everything works well.

I would appreciate some help…


What part of avast is causing the problem (disable the shields one at a time to find out more) ?
What exact version of avast ?

I have the interface in Catalan, but translating the module name to english is “System protection”.
If I disable that module (but mantaining active de Web protection module and email module) everything works ok…

I wrote the version in the first post… 17.1.2286 (build 17.1.3394.42) I have just updated this morning…

Finally I’ve decided to download and install an old version (2015.10.2.2286), and now everything is working again…

I don’t know where could I find the most recent old version, but at least I can work without problems…

If someone can find where is the problem with the last version I’ll keep an eye in this forum checking for new posts…


I have no problems creating a pfd (and saving it) with LibreOffice

I have not tested another pdf programs to create pdf… But in my case it was not working, with the two programs that I use at my place(BioPDF and PDF Creator)…

I don’t know if it may influence but, my operating system is Windows XP.


this morning i had the new version again… I guess that is has autoupdated itself… I’m going back again to the older version…

Anyway, what I have seen is that the generated files are ok, the problem is that avast keeps the files opened after being generated by the pdf printer software… But when I reboot the computer the pdf files are usable again… So I don’t know if the problem is that Avast keeps stuck analising that files…


I suggest you contact avast and have them look at the problem >

I have the free version, so in the suppor page it suggest to check the faq, visit the forums or pay for the premium service…

Anyway, I have been “touching” all the parameters and finally I’ve seen that the problem may come from a checkbox under “Components - File system shield - Analyze on writing” which says something like… “Analyze files while writing”… If I uncheck that option, everything goes ok. I guess that when writing that file, Avast leaves the file opened and the rest of programs can’t access it.

Is there any important problem leaving that option unchecked?

Now, I would like if there is any way to restore de default configuration because I’ve touched some parameters and although I think that I’ve left everything as it was before, I would like to ensure that I have not missed anything.


Once you open Settings, scroll down and you’ll find this:

I can’t restore… It asks me for a “.avastconfig” file and I don’t know where to find it.

The “.avastconfig” file would have to have been created by you by clicking on the “Back Up Settings” beforehand.

On the Troubleshooting tab of Avast, there is the option to “Restore factory defaults”. Click on the chevron and you will able to uncheck either the program settings or shield settings.

Hi there!

Today I’ve updated to the last version (17.3.2290 Build 17.3.3442.0) and now it seems that is working ok again.

I don’t know what was happening, but it seems that is solved…
