Problems with registration key delivery

Registration for my 4.8 has expired and I’ve tried to order a new registration key, but it was never delivered. I’ve tried more than once without success. No, it’s not in my spam folder either.

Anyone else having the same problem?

I am having the same problem. I have been trying for three days. I thought it might be my ISP but I also used a yahoo addy that I had used successfully a few weeks ago to renew my desktop. Now I can’t get my laptop renewed for 4.8 and that red window is really annoying.

I’ve already commented on Yahoo here. Getting an email successfully a few weeks ago means nothing w/ Yahoo, even from the same sender.

I tottaly hear you. I have the same problem. I installed the new avast 5 free antivirus and filled the registration form but the key never came… ???
Can anyone tell me where is the problem? I’d love to get the key to continue using the new avast… Because I had avast 4.8 and it worked pretty fine…

To register the free version, you do not need to register via web page and key.
You can register within the UI itself, no webpage, no email-received key necessary.

You still need a key for 4.8.

What’s the “UI”. I can’t get my 5.0 to register either. I fill in all the information - hit the register now key and nothing happens. When I try to go to the offline registration form it comes up “cannot find server”.

Any help would be appreciated.

UI = avast User Interface, what you get when you left click the avast tray icon.

Have (or did) you another Anti-Virus installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?
This may be blocking the Register Now action.

Try a repair of avast. Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and scroll down to Repair, click next and follow.