My computer was having issues and I needed to reinstall Avast Internet Security. I had Avast 5 Free version saved on my computer. I installed it from that, entered in my license code and updated. It now shows I’m on version 6.0.1367. It says that it’s current but there are tabs missing. My tabs on left are the following: Summary, Scan Computer, Real-Time Shields, Additional Protection, Maintenance and Market. I know I’m missing Firewall and Webrep and I’m not sure what else. And I can’t install the version directly from the website because it’s 85mb and I’m still on dial-up. Please help. I have no idea what to do.
I had Avast 5 Free version saved on my computer. I installed it from that...... And I can't install the version directly from the website because it's 85mb and I'm still on dial-up. Please help. I have no idea what to is recomended to use the latest install file...
but you can try avast repair and reboot…see what happens
For a repair of avast. Windows, Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button from the pop-up window, scroll down to Repair, click next and follow.
also try to run a avast manual update, in case it want to download some files
I tried the repair and reboot, but nothing. And then I tried the manual update, but it didn’t do anything either.
Avast Free doesn’t have a firewall.
WebRep will be under Additional Protection when you click on it. Does it appear there?
The license I entered was for Internet Security and it wasn’t listed there.
you need to use the latest AIS install file…download the install file at a friend with broandband and put it on a USB stick
Do I need to uninstall the version I have now before I download that file or can I do it after I download the file?
no you dont need to…
but i would uninstall before installing the new…and not install on top