I downloaded the new version after using Avast for a couple of years. This new version is so slow - actually only 10% scanned after 4 hours. My hard drive is only 250 GB. That can’t be right. Does anyone else have this problem? ???
What scan did you used?
And the scan was slow is “because”(i’m not sure) avast new version included a anti-spyware so the scan will be slow.
The scan duration for me is very close to what it was previously in 4.8 even with the anti-rootkit and improved anti-spyware function, which shouldn’t add significantly to the scan duration unless spyware is actually found.
You say you have the new version but don’t say what that version is (?), 4.8.1201 is the latest version so if you haven’t got that build I would suggest you update. Early versions of 4.8 did have a slower on-demand scan but that was resolved.
Okay, I’ll try that. Get this, after 15 hours, it’s only done 12% and I do have it on the most thorough scan. I downloaded it yesterday. It found a number of trojans and worms messing up my computer. I just got back from 7 mos. in the Caribbean and hadn’t used this puter since last October so it needed fixin.
It says version 4.8 but when I click on about, I just get a question mark. It is running right now because it has found viruses. I only just downloaded it yesterday
Right click the avast ‘a’ icon, select about avast that will give you the full information.
What you are doing is just getting a localised information about the Simple User Interface, when the ? question mark is there click on a part of the interface and it should give brief info on it.
If you downloaded it yesterday from avast.com (?) then it is probably the 4.8.1201 version.
So what other security software do you have installed ?
Though if no change has happened from your previous installations that should be an issue, but worth checking.
Seems too much… are you sure the scanning is not frozen?
Is there any HDD activity? I mean, is it still scanning after those 4 hours (the number of scanned files keeps increasing), or does it seem “stuck”?