I’m trying to update the virus definitions as my installation is telling me they are out of date. But when I select to check for virus definitions the status bar moves left to right and runs like that for hours (i.e. it ran for 8 hours yesterday with no sign of stopping)
The ‘repair’ function doesn’t seem to work. I selected it earlier today and it ran for a couple of hours with no sign of progress. I’ve downloaded and tried running the Avast Clear function as per the instructions you shared but that seems to just be in a similar state where the status bar moves left to right but seems to do no more - how long should it take to run ?
Also, when I try to uninstall Avast Free I get a message saying that ‘set up is already running’ after I’ve said ‘yes’ to allowing changes to be made and it won’t let me uninstall - any ideas ?
I cannot get as far as using the clear function because when I go to control panel and try to uninstall the Avast app I get a message saying that ‘setup is already running’. It seems I cannot uninstall Avast this way - how else can I do it ? Should I consider an app like Revo to try to uninstall it ?
The stand alone avastclear.exe tool is specifically for instances where you can’t use the Control Panel uninstall route.
You shouldn’t need to and it may not do as good a job as one from Avast, it may also come into conflict with the avast self-defence module, if avast is still running.
Now uninstall avast! - using add remove programs/Programs & Features, if you can’t do that start from the next step, reboot.- 2. run the avast! Uninstall Utility, it will request it be run from safe mode (and will handle the boot into safe mode), once complete reboot into normal mode.- 3. install the latest version, reboot.