Problems with updating virus definitions

I’m trying to update the virus definitions as my installation is telling me they are out of date. But when I select to check for virus definitions the status bar moves left to right and runs like that for hours (i.e. it ran for 8 hours yesterday with no sign of stopping)

Can someone help?

What Operating System ??? What version of Avast ???
Any other Security related software that’s currently running on your system ???

Operating System is Windows 10, Avast version 1.0.370(UI version) & programme version 19.5.2378(build19.4.4318.0)

No other security software running :-\

Thanks in advance

Try the following:
[b]Repair & Clean Install of Avast →[/b]

The ‘repair’ function doesn’t seem to work. I selected it earlier today and it ran for a couple of hours with no sign of progress. I’ve downloaded and tried running the Avast Clear function as per the instructions you shared but that seems to just be in a similar state where the status bar moves left to right but seems to do no more - how long should it take to run ?

Also, when I try to uninstall Avast Free I get a message saying that ‘set up is already running’ after I’ve said ‘yes’ to allowing changes to be made and it won’t let me uninstall - any ideas ?

Restart your system. Once the system has restarted,follow the directions for a clean install.

I cannot get as far as using the clear function because when I go to control panel and try to uninstall the Avast app I get a message saying that ‘setup is already running’. It seems I cannot uninstall Avast this way - how else can I do it ? Should I consider an app like Revo to try to uninstall it ?

The stand alone avastclear.exe tool is specifically for instances where you can’t use the Control Panel uninstall route.

You shouldn’t need to and it may not do as good a job as one from Avast, it may also come into conflict with the avast self-defence module, if avast is still running.

Did you download it (if not see below) ?

Download the avast! Uninstall Utility, avastclear.exe and save it to your HDD.

    1. Now uninstall avast! - using add remove programs/Programs & Features, if you can’t do that start from the next step, reboot.- 2. run the avast! Uninstall Utility, it will request it be run from safe mode (and will handle the boot into safe mode), once complete reboot into normal mode.- 3. install the latest version, reboot.