Problems with Web Shield

Hi folks!

I’m using Avast Home 4.8.1335 german.

Sometimes I have the problem that Avast blocks my browser (Internet Explorer and Firefox). This means that I can’t connect to any websites till I shut down the web protection service. Also the CPU usage of ashWebSv.exe (Web Shield) rise up to 50% permanently (and that at an AMD Athlon 6000+!!!).

The only solution I found: Restarting the system. >:(

Anyone with a better solution?

Best regards,

Well avast doesn’t block but scans and alerts to infection, it isn’t a firewall and it is commonly the firewall that blocks the web shield, ashWebSv.exe.

What is your firewall ?

Since the web shield is scanning http port 80 traffic when browsing CPU activity could increase, but I wouldn’t have though it would get to 50% through normal browsing.

Have (or did) you another AV installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?

What other security applications do you have installed ?

Hi and thanks for your reply!

Software and hardware firewall (AVM Fritz!)

Have (or did) you another AV installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?

What other security applications do you have installed ?

No / nothing.

I have just Avast for antivirus and Fritz! for the firewall. I didn’t install any security software before.

The security level for Avast is everywhere marked as trusted in the firewall.

Hi kehnbauer!

Which is your operating system?

Which software firewall do you use exactly? (Windows-own,…)

Are you sure that there also hasn’t been any antivirus preinstalled on your system? (norton, mc afee,…)


Hi onlysomeone!

My OS ist Windows XP Pro SP3. I’m using the AVM Fritz! firewall. Probably you don’t know this software, 'cuz AVM is a german telecommunication manufacturer: Click. The devices are really excellent.

I am absolutely sure that no other security software was installed before Avast. I started a fresh XP installation and installed after that directly Avast. The Windows firewall is deactivated.

Best regards,

I knew nothing about this one before your post, haveing had a little google, I know a little more but I still don’t believe it provides outbound connection checking as mose hardware firewalls don’t provide outbound protection and I couldn’t find anything that specifically said that AVM Fritz! box does.

So hopefully the software firewall is some sort of add on to the actual hardware firewall.

However, if the firewall was truly blocking it then you would have zero connection or all connections.

Since you say No/Nothing to the other antivirus question, this wasn’t just do you have any other one installed now but ever and how you got rid of it. I’m at a loss as to what to suggest about this intermittent issue with the web shield.

You could try a clean reinstall of avast:
Download the latest version of avast and save it to your HDD, somewhere you can find it again. Use that when you reinstall.

Download the avast! Uninstall Utility, find it here and save it to your HDD.

    1. Now uninstall (using add remove programs, if you can’t do that start from the next step), reboot.- 2. run the avast! Uninstall Utility, reboot. If step 1 failed it may be necessary to run this from safe mode, once complete reboot into normal mode.- 3. install the latest version, reboot.