My Avast is completely up to date as of today (jan 28) - and I run win98se.
The full scanner crashes when I exit it. I get a white box Gpf type error.
The quick scanner finishes the scanning task, pauses, then crashes (same as above)
The Systray Icon is always split in 2 when i boot up - though one is blank. I have to “split icons” then “merge Icons” to get the blank area out of my systray.
All three resident scanners say they are running - every time i boot up, even though I have the mail and outlook scanner turned off in settings. The systray icon reports that only 1 is running however.
yeah, we admit, the program is not super-stable under Win9x yet, but we’re working on it…
The full scanner crashes when I exit it. I get a white box Gpf type error.
The quick scanner finishes the scanning task, pauses, then crashes (same as above)
To work around these issues, please try the following: run the program, go to Settings, and disable the ‘memory test during application start up’. Then restart your computer, and see if the problems persist…
The Systray Icon is always split in 2 when i boot up - though one is blank. I have to "split icons" then "merge Icons" to get the blank area out of my systray.
This is a bug that will be fixed in the next update (coming up shortly).
All three resident scanners say they are running - every time i boot up, even though I have the mail and outlook scanner turned off in settings. The systray icon reports that only 1 is running however.
How do you have it turned off? Do you use avast HOME or PRO? Normally, you don’t have to worry about those two guys “running”, they are in fact not running, they’re just sitting there and waiting for their chance to do something… :-*
Thanks for your response -
I’ll turn off the memory test and give it a go as soon as I have a chance.
I’m running home addition - and yes, the Outlook and mail scanners do appear to just be sitting there… It’s just confusing ???
Keep up the good work -
Don’t they take memory? I don’t use Outlook or Outlook Express, but I haven’t figured out how to disable them in the home edition. I can terminate them, but after the next boot they’re started again.
I do not know the exact Filename of that Programm, but you can try MSCONFIG.EXE and disable the Files mentioned in the alwill folder. But do not forget to enable the Monitor again, if you want to use it!
If you absolutely want to get rid of the providers, you can delete (or rename) their DLLs. Please keep in mind that the next program update will reinstall them…
The DLLs are named as follows:
ahRedMai.dll – Internet Mail provider
ahRedOut.dll – Outlook provider.
I can’t recommend doing it, but after all, it’s up to you (it won’t hurt)…