I am using DiamondCS ProcessGuard to set system privileges.
When I click on Avast iAVS or Program update I get a message
“Not enough privileges”. I can set ProcessGuard to allow unlimited privileges for a program or service but I can’t figure out what exe/dll etc is involved in the Avast update chain.
Help ??
ashserv.exe, ashmailsv.exe and avast.setup needs access. If you have your system setup correctly, you could have seen this in the firewall log.
Giving access to these files wont work. In the avast setup, you need to make a file called Avast.setup. The reason for this, is, the file is only visible for a brief second when an update occurs, then dissapears. You can confirm this, by updating and at the same time watch the setup folder. You will see this avast.setup for a brief moment.
It is this reason, why pg wont let updates occur. You need, to create a file, out of anything, a text or whatever in that folder, and call it avast.setup. Once that is done, go to your PG program, and give this file (avast.setup) that you created rights of global hooks etc.
Once that is done, go back to the setuo folder and delete the avast.setup that you created.
I know of this trick, for I went thru the same thing. Giving permissions to every single avast .exe will do nothing. Create that clone file, give rights, then all will work for you…
Good luck
It was the AVAST.SETUP transient file that confused me. Giving rights to that fixed the problem. Thanks.