processing power.....newbie,be gentle..

Hello,firstly may I say for someone who has only owned a PC 2 weeks I have learned lots from this Forum.

Also ,a thank you to all who have replied.

OK,I have another question…My PC HAS 3 gb of RAM,so apparently its going to be ok for my useage,but I was told by a Colleague to be careful as some Antivirus software slows down the PC.He mentioned Norton,which is the software the store wanted me to buy,but he said its renound for slowing the PC down?

Is this correct,and how does it compare to Avast which I am currently useing? It seems to work fine,but obviously you people are the experts so thought Id raise the question?

Its amazing what you can learn on here,love it… ;D

You won’t get a complete independent opinion on avast forum.
I’m an ex-Norton user. It was very bad on resources consumption. Latest versions seem to be better than old ones.
If you want a suggestion, for free ;D, keep away from Norton :wink:

@ the OP: no problem with avast, it’s very low on resource and won’t slow down a recent system :wink: … as said by Tech here and by myself in another thread you started, stay away from Norton. I’ve had terrible experiences with it concerning CPU and RAM loads. According to things I’ve read recently, things have improved, but considering the cost and the risk of bloating the system, I’ll never use it again. Norton lives on a reputation, they’ve been one of the first reputed AV companies, back in the nineties…and everything was fine, really fine, until Win2000 and then XP came out ;D

I’m also an ex-Norton user (NIS2009). although I love avast, I must say Norton is nowadays a solid option. the days of norton bloatware an resource hog are gone. people who say that haven’t tried the new versions of norton.
that said, you can go with anyone of avast or norton.

the days of norton bloatware an resource hog are gone. people who say that haven't tried the new versions of norton

might be, but it’s been such a shame during so many years that I won’t even bother checking. I guess after years ignoring their user base real needs, either by lack of competence or megalomania, or both, they just want to avoid bankruptcy ;D (just a bit of sarcasm here). I’ve used NAV in Win95/98 and as said it was brilliant, and I won’t forgive them their errors after this, they just let go too long.

;D you are right. but now they have a top notch software.

I edited my post above…and yeah, I heard the last version was different in terms of resource.

The problem nowadays it is also easy to hide the true amount of resources the program truly uses (not saying that Norton does this, just that it isn’t easy to judge). So for most people they only find out when they use a program.

Unfortunately if you have installed Norton and you don’t like it:
a) you have just paid for it in most cases.
b) if you uninstall it your troubles aren’t over as even with recent version, the remnants left behind can cause havoc, as the many forum topics can attest.

I used Norton before avast. I simply used the uninstall utility for norton, then installed avast. no problem at all. maybe users who run into problems don’t have the info about the provided uninstall utilities (e.g. norton).

As I said the forums are littered with this issue of removing Norton, were even after using add remove programs to uninstall remnants are left behind that conflict with avast.

I have see three in the last day alone and that is why we have to point them at the Uninstall Utilities. Perhaps I’m unreasonable in expecting add remove programs to uninstall all elements of the program.

Yes, uninstallers can fail, but they usually present you with some form or error, etc. and then you go in search of utilities to complete the job.

Here is a very handy FREE utility I have its called AppRemover this will eliminate all remenants of any Antivirus or Antispyware listed at their site. The free AppRemover utility enables the thorough uninstallation of security applications like antivirus and antispyware from your computer. Remove computer stress. Simply, cleanly and effectively. AppRemover supported applications list ,

Bob has App Remover in his shared files.I often browse them and am often pleasantly surprised what he has found.He must do a lot of searching.

Thanks everyone,seems I made the correct choice with Avast,and saved myself £20 also. ;D