Product to replace MalwareBytes

I presently own a subscription to Avast. Good till November. I was told Avast is Anitvirus, and MalwareBytes is Antimalware. I was told I needed to install MalwareBytes on my PC to catch attacks that Avast will not prevent. Is this information correct? I would like to not have to run both, and if Avast has a product which will replace MalwareBytes I would rather go with that.

There is no application in the world that can detect everything.
We recommend to use:
avast + mbam + McShield

The name anti-virus is nowadays a misnomer.
It is a leftover from the time the only malware where viruses.
Nowadays applications that are called anti-virus detect a lot more more than just viruses.
A better name would be anti-malware.

What’s the difference between antivirus and anti-malware?

Does Malwarebytes Anti-Malware replace antivirus software?


Marketing… Nowadays, every single (serious) antivirus program is an antimalware program.
One good shot there: layered defense.

I thought that MBAM was an application that you downloaded and ran. Not something that was resident like Avast. That’s always been how I used it. When it downloads it fetches the latest database, runs and goes back to bed until I run it again. Have I been missing something? I’ll be running it more often now! What is McShield? Thanks

What is McShield?
a FREE tool that only target malware types that spread using removable drives (mostly worms) Also used by this forums malware removal team to clean removable drives MCShield
I thought that MBAM was an application that you downloaded and ran. Not something that was resident like Avast.
Depends on using free or PRO version Malwarebytes User guide
  1. Rather depends on what version of MBAM you have, the free version is on-demand scanning only. The Premium version is a resident (on-access) scanner and that also does auto updates.

So if I upgrade to MBAM Premium I’m going to run all three at the same time?

No, it depends on what you tell the tools to do (or not to do) in the settings.

Security stats with what the user knows, not with what tools are installed or how they are configured.
Tools are there to help, not to replace the user.

MCShield is dormant, it is only active when you plug in a removable storage device, then it wakes up, scan and goes to sleep again.
It only scan root of the device looking for those types of malware that use the device to spread, meaning if you plug in a full 1TB storage device it will not scan all files on that device that is for your AV to do

MBAM has two Versions. The one you refer to is a scanner. Yes you download and install it, then manually execute it to scan for malware. The second version is an Online version which runs alonside AVAST, or whatever AV you have. It is intended to supplement your AV, not replace it.

Well, indeed, Avast will only scans file when open/run (autoexec files or files being opened) and not the 1TB each time you plug the media :slight_smile:
I know you know, but just for the newbies…

And yes, you can have all 3 at the same time: Avast (resident), MBAM free (on-demand) and McShield (resident for USB drivers).

You can have Malwarebytes running ( resident ) alongside Avast as well :slight_smile:

@ fvobbe

I have Avast Internet Security + MBAM + MBAE + MCShield + CryptoPrevent & Adguard altogether as a great security protection layer others have a different choice of protection, you have to keep in mind NOT all AV software detection is 100% perfect and this is why I have different layer of protection that works altogether with Avast and it doesn’t over kill or hog my laptop.

Before I had Avast Internet Security I was using Avast Free AV with Outpost Pro along with the rest of my layer protection MBAM + MBAE + MCShield + CryptoPrevent & Adguard altogether, when my 3 year license with Avast Internet Security finished I’ll be going back to Avast Free and Outpost Pro.

Remember this rule NEVER run two AV software together this can cause a huge nightmare to your computer, and don’t be afraid to ask us IF your not 100% sure of what security protection software works together with Avast because you have come to the right place for advice and help.

Happy New Year.

Off topic
Speedy@ when that time comes hopefully Outpost is still in development, they’ve been bought out by Yandex to improve the security of their browser so only time will tell if they’ll keep the Outpost software running

OT:- Sh#t! I really hate this and it remind me in the pass when I see a lot of good security software get sold to another company, and it take away the original development of Outpost because a lot of older senior and most experience Agnitum staff will be gone. This is why I hate when someone could destroy the original creating of the Outpost Pro FW and I’m very worried they could destroy all the customers and users who bought a lifetime license with Outpost Pro, thanks for the heads up Craig.

I don’t see how buying out a security company goes with improving security of a browser (even one that is meant to be a secure one). I guess there are more things in store.

The lifetime licenses are the thing - I have one for both systems and a spare for a likely 3rd system - so how do you sell a company without making provision for those who purchased lifetime licenses ???
I guess we will have to wait and see.

I have been using Outpost firewall for even longer than the eleven and a half years of using Avast. Starting with Outpost Free version 1.0.

Unfortunately David, this can and has happened to me in the past with other software programs. :-\