We currently have AVAST professional installed on all of our computers and are now getting our first server, I intend to purchase the AVAST server 2008 version and use ADMN to now adminster the exsisting AVAST installations.
Can I move the existing professional licences to the ADMN server ? I have the licence number but I believe that I need a dat file ?
the licenses you have are valid for using ADNM thats ok.
you do need to contact avast for getting a license file that contains your licenses in one file so you can import that in ADNM
next to that you will probably have to uninstall all the avast instances on your workstations since they dont communicate with ADNM i believe or at least not let them get management via ADNM, in ADNM there is the netclient (which will use the professional licenses you already have) which u can deploy to the workstations…
be sure that you use the avast removing tool so you dont have traces of the previous installation and fail the deployment…