Program password lost

When I try to access the settings feature on Avast, the program asks for a password. I must have set that as an option many moons ago when I installed the program, but I can’t remember what that password is. Is there any way that I can retrieve or reset that password?
Thanks GeorgeSA

Hi and welcome on this forum. Well I don’t know if there is any way to reset this, but you could use the avast uninstall utility and reinstall avast!

only one way… reinstall

follow instructions at the link RealNature gave you

download and install again.

When you install avast! again, maybe you should think twice about using a password.
Unless the computer in question is constantly at risk, why do you need to protect settings within avast with a password ???

Thanks. I have downloaded the programs and I’m going to try to uninstall & reinstall

I think I will leave out the password for now.

Good choice, you use the password protection only if you wont to protect your settings from other people using your pc, if not I personally don’t see the point of using it.

Regards RealNature,

I have re-installed and all is working well and no passwords for now as I am the only user.
Thanks again for the help.

Any time :wink:

I hope you don’t have to protect avast! from yourself… :slight_smile:
Glad things are working again. :slight_smile: