program update error

I have a problem, when I update the program I get the following error “Avast detected that the following program is running: F-Secure Anti Virus … There can be one on-access scanner active on the same time, 4 items were disabled”
The problem is, I don’t have F-secure, never had also.
The two latest updates have this error, version 4.1.280 did n’t have this problem.
I am running windows XP

Sorry for my bad englisch

I have a problem, when I update the program I get the following error "Avast detected that the following program is running: F-Secure Anti Virus ......
Believe me, if Avast is telling you that F-secure is on your system (or was) then it is correct. Did you ever "try" F-secure and then uninstall it? Did anyone else without you knowing?

What version and build of Avast do you now have?. The most current is version
4.1.342 and the database is 0401-15

"There can be one on-access scanner active on the same time, 4 items were disabled"
If Avast gave you the message that 4 items were disabled, I would be puzzled since Avast does not disable anything. Give your Program folders a good look through. Recheck your Add/Remove utility for an F-secure listing.
The two latest updates have this error, version 4.1.280 did n't have this problem. I am running windows XP
The latest updates DO NOT HAVE ANY ERROR. And I use Windows XP also. NO problems at all.
Sorry for my bad englisch
Your English is just fine.

Lets see if we can get to the bottom of this ok?


I really suggest, after reading the last forums, a revision of the mechanism for detection previous av installations… :cry:

My last perfect working version is Avast home 4.1.280 build okt 2003, my virus definitions are up to date that is not the problem.
Mij PC is a new clean machine, I did never try F-secure, I even now the program, nowbody else in my home did try that program, I am real sure.
I am also running AVP (Kaspersky),but this is NOT F-secure!
When I disabled AVP it did n’t make any different, but till version 4.1.280 it was no problem, both scanners working together, why then now this error? ???
I will ussing this both scanners, note; there is one scanner running on- access


Try searching your system drive for a file called fsav.sys .

Nothing found. :-\

You can try sending me the export of the registry key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services .
I’ll identify the conflicting driver for you.


Sorry, a can’t find the key you mean, a long key, I think?
BUT!!, I found F-secure,… on the same location!
It is in connection with Kaspersky??? >:( (in the registry)
What is the connection between F- Secure and Kaspersky
I think they are two different antiviral labs :-\

One of F-Secures scanning engines is the AVP aka. Kaspersky engine.

F-Secure Antivirus uses (among other) the Kaspersky engine.
Anyway, if you have Kaspersky, you shouldn’t have F-Secure.

What does it mean, I can’t find the key?
Open regedit, navigate yourself to the key mentioned, right-click the key and select Export.

Then send me the file (via email).


Thanks for the file, Benew.
Exactly what I thought: the F-Secure drivers are being loaded.

Are you telling me that you’re trying to use the avast and F-Secure’s (Kaspersky) resident shields at once? This is not a good idea.

If you want to use F-Secure/Kaspersky only as an on-demand scanner, you can do the following:

rename (or move to some other location) the files

C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Anti-Virus\FSAVP.SYS
C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Anti-Virus\FSFILTER.SYS
C:\Program Files\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Anti-Virus\FSGK.SYS

and reboot the machine. This will solve the problem.

Hope this helps,

Thanks for so far, I try this, and let you now the answer.

Greetings. :wink:

I have done so you told me, … it works, :wink: I think everything is working well, so I can see.
May I thank you very well for your support!


Wellcome to the best support forum! 8)

You’re absolutely right.

We may say it!!! :-*