Program update not working on Win7 PC

I click the update button and nothing happens. I have 2014.9.0.2011, trying to update to2014.9.0.2016, which the update screen shows is available. I’ve tried changing settings from Ask, to manual, to automatic…No help. I tried restarting the PC, again, didn’t work. I’ve run across this problem before on an XP…uninstalled avast, downloaded new, then reinstalled…had to re-register and briefly go without Anti-virus. I’d rather not go down that road again.
I updated another Win7 PC earlier with no problem.
Help/comments appreciated.
Update post: Make that 2 Win7 PCs that won’t update…same as above.
Update 2: I turned off silent gaming mode…as I was posting the above update, a window popped up telling me an update is available…and looks like it’s installing normally

You can try download and install on top

Unfortunately, the program won’t update as long as it is in gaming mode, and it doesn’t tell you why it won’t update.

As you discovered, you have to turn off gaming mode to use the UI to update.