program update popup alert

I had the sound shut down because of the double announcement issue. I see that 7.0.1466 program update was posted on August 21, 2012. I just got the popup August 26, 2012. I have it set to alert not auto program update. Does it always take that long for the update to filter down? Or did I miss a few program popup alerts? Is there a feature some where I could check the last few alerts in the avast control panel?

I see the double announcement issue has been corrected so I will enable the sound again but it would be nice for future reference.

With over 150million active users the program updates are on a cycle to prevent server overload, even with hundreds of update servers the load still has to be balanced. Program updates are or used to be over 7 days, I don’t know what the current cycle is.

The default Program Update is set to Ask not Auto.

So most likely It was the only alert I got. Sure do wish there was a feature that lets you look at the last few popup alerts.

Well. No the last few, but the last popup you can.

Right click Avast! icon in taskbar > Show last popup message.

I seen that, mine is always ghosted and if it was not ghosted it would probably be the virus definition update.

Thanks iroc, I thought there mite be a log I did not know about.

You can find logs and reports here:

Windows 2000, Windows XP:
C:\Documents And Settings\All Users\Application Data\AVAST Software\Avast\Log/Reports

I am not sure for Vista and Win 7 but try here:

C:\Program Data\AVAST Software\Avast\Log/Reports


C:\Users\All Users\AVAST Software\Avast\log/Reports

Personally if you know there is an update I wouldn’t wait and do a manual program update. However, I don’t believe you only get one notification.

Avast would know that there was an update and that you didn’t update; after a period of time the avast Summary screen at the very least would show the program needing an update.