Program Update !!!

New version: 4.1.335

I just want to say that these guys from Alwil Software proved once again that they are most wonderful bunch of people ever !!! And when I say it, I really mean it !

Vlk promised that they will fix that little cosmetic bug I wrote about in one of my recent posts ( Check it out HERE ). They fixed it !!!

… Stretching Windows problem in avast! Settings is solved ! I’m not sure was the problem in some graphic adapters (like mine) or something else… anyway, those asidous “bees” from Alwil Software fixed it !

A way to go guys !!! I still can’t believe that si possible to be surrounded with so diligent people… BEST ANTIVIRUS, BEST SOFTWARE CREW, BEST FORUM, BEST FORUM USERS… What one can possibly want more ?

Thanks again guys !

BTW, Vlk, I sent you those 2 versions of “Matri-X-kin” yesterday. Please use those latest versions (I sent them together in one mail), and erase all old versions of “Matri-X-kin”, please.

Just finished getting 4.1.335 myself, thanks crew.

Don’t you guys ever allow yourselves to take a break?? :wink:

Were any other things fixed in this new build?



Tipton, most of the new features are documented on the avast 4 Revision History page (as usual).


Just curious if the “Slow shutdown” issue has been fixed?
Or is this still being worked on?
So far, that is the only problem I’ve had with your fine product.
And I’ve installed it on all 3 of my home machines.
Russ (gtirr)

Not really. We need more info because - believe it or not, it doesn’t really occur on our machines (well maybe it does, but it’s not noticable).

What I’d need to know is if it helps if you, prior to shutting down, stop one of both of the avast services (“avast antivirus” and “iAVS4 Control Service”)

Control Panel → Administrative Tools → Services

Didn’t expect that fast of a reply!!
I disabled Avast and shut my system down and it really didn’t make any difference. It still took about 45 sec. to shut down.

OK gtirr…
Listen to this… it can be solution to your problem:

As an added security precaution it is possible to clear all data that has been written to the page file so
it cannot be retrieved. The downside to this tweak is that it may substantially increase shutdown time
depending on the amount of data in the page file. Read Microsoft KB Article Q314834 on Clearing Paging File at Shutdown

Do this:

Go to [Start], then [Run] and type [Regedit] (without parenthesis)
Then find this Registry Key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

Modify/Create the Value Data Type(s) and Value Name(s) as detailed below.

Data Type: REG_DWORD [Dword Value] // Value Name: ClearPageFileAtShutdown
Setting for Value Data: [0 = Clear Page File Disabled / 1 = Clear Page File Enabled]

Exit Registry and Reboot

It helped me. My shutdown time decreased to minimum.

Cheers !

I am plagued with the slow shut down as well. Before I installed Avast, it would take about 4 seconds for my system to shut down after the “windows is shutting down” screen displays. With Avas installed, this time increases by at least 25 seconds. I would expect a slight increase with the install of any AV, however this is rather large. Last night when I shut down, I terminated all of the monitoring in the software itself first. It didn’t help. I will try turning off the services you suggest next time I shut down.

S.Z. although your registry tweak may work fine, I can’t see doing that just so one software product will shut down sooner. I don’t have a problem with my shutdown time except when Avast is installed.

Is the pay version of Avast exactly the same as far as the shutdown time goes? I would really like to add the script blocking to my arcenal, but would rather wait on a fix for the slow shut down issue. I will report back after I try shutting down the services before the next shut down.


sasha my computer now shutsdown normally no more 15 second delay thanks for diging that up

MacLover wrote:

sasha my computer now shutsdown normally no more 15 second delay thanks for diging that up

You’re always welcome my friend. I told you guys, this one helps for sure… I’m glad you successfully decreased shutdown time…

BTW, check Skins download section… FINALLY !!! My Matri-X-kin (for Boys and for Girls) is out and ready for you guys !

Tipton wrote:

S.Z. although your registry tweak may work fine, I can't see doing that just so one software product will shut down sooner. I don't have a problem with my shutdown time except when Avast is installed.

Why not ? Is there any specific reason you want your computer to erase bunch of data every single time you exit Windows ? You can do that manually if you want to do that sometimes (keyword: “sometimes” …not every single time like Windows does it).
It’s not like you’re going to mess your Windows up.

Cheers !

Why not ? Is there any specific reason you want your computer to erase bunch of data every single time you exit Windows ? You can do that manually if you want to do that sometimes (keyword: “sometimes” …not every single time like Windows does it).
It’s not like you’re going to mess your Windows up.

Cheers !

LOL, Ok I was totally confused when I read your post. I thought you were giving a registry tweak to erase the data written to the page file. Then I started thinking, why would I want to do something to increase the shutdown time?

I get it now, your registry tweak is to stop the clearing of the page file?

I found this little tid bit!

You can also do this without reg hacking.

Go to Control panel Administartative tools, local security policy. then goto local policies —> security options. Then change the option for “Shutdown: Clear Virtual Memory Pagefile”.


Just curious if the “Slow shutdown” issue has been fixed?

i think that it depends what your computer has eaten…

mr.morden… your web site link is broken. Can’t see anything…

Cheers !

its broken because too many people goes there

my isp server cannot handle too much population,its allready over 1,3k per
week…1300 visitors i mean…:stuck_out_tongue:

it will be up again,sometime in today in some minute…just keep trying.

pop will rise about 100-200 people per week

try to type to google… teh stoner club

otherwords …i dont know why my site is down…server is screwing me somehow

it is up usually but its get down for no reason,and im too bored to contact “

Your suggestion to go in and change the option for clearing Virtual Memory Pagefile not only did NOT work, it actually increased my shutdown time.
And before I go mucking up my registry, I want to make sure I know what I’m doing and the change is going to work…

Your suggestion to go in and change the option for clearing Virtual Memory Pagefile not only did NOT work, it actually increased my shutdown time.
And before I go mucking up my registry, I want to make sure I know what I’m doing and the change is going to work…

Did you set it to enable, or disable? Mine is set to disable by default.


Mine was set to “Disable” by default.
I enabled it as I thought you suggested.
I have since gone back and disabled it.

I was just mentioning that you can use my way to disable it, instead of using the registry hack(if its enabled). I never said to enable it, thats defeating the purpose. Sorry for the confusion!


Mr. gtirr…

You must understand one thing before you start messing with registry and also, accusing someone who tried to help you. In this case, Tipton was right. Everything he wrote is OK and he found it here:


It looks to me like you have no clue what you really want.

First of all… if you want your computer to shutdown faster, then DISABLE page file clearing, otherwise you can leave it ENABLED, but you’ll “pay” with much slower or should I say significantly increased shutdown time… very simple !

Cheers !