Programmer needing help

I need some help, I keep getting attacked and yes this is a attack via your software, you don’t think before you start attacking peoples software.
Cyber capture opens up my software what changed sets the screen size for the game but cyber capture does NOT close the software in the same
way the software is meant to be closed it just kills it off, meaning your software damaged the end users screen size and my software looks like
it was at fault, I had this problem for years and I sick of this now.

I need away to detect if cyber capture or what every you call it now so I can add a option so my software is able to but setting its changes and settings
until the next launch, BUT your software shouldn’t be doing this, exiting a app by terminating it is NOT the way your meant to close a app, but AVAST
seems to think they know better and damage peoples work.

This matter as been emailed to you a good few years ago and I was told it was going to fix the way it worked, well few years down the line now I can’t even email
you guys no more seem I have to use a bloody forum for something your at fault for.

So I need away to detect if that option is enabled, tho you shouldn’t be affecting peoples apps in this way, I seen you do it with so many different one, it’s shocking.

I need a fix for this and I needed it a few years ago, I can’t believe this is still a bug, yes I called this a bug as when your software attacks normal software from running the
way it’s meant to the first time it’s ran then mess up the users settings thanks to your software this is a bug, your bad design.

How to report FAQ >>

Also see: software developers

Sorry but the stupid help thing didn’t tell anyone where or how to report so it’s not down to me to move it to the right place the staff should even this reply is shocking still blame to user rather then company creating the problem!

Also your telling us to just sign the software, this does not work, cyber capture or deep what ever you call your version still does it, but are you going to pay for me signing my software? I don’t get paid for this so why should I have to pay so your software does not attack me, I don’t think so, even windows as taken a step back and lets users pick what tools they run, so signing the software is not a option and does not work for what I just reported as I had my software in the past signed and your stupid tool still runs my app and messes up the settings.

Answer my question HOW DO I DETECT if cyber capture is enabled, is I can detect it I can delay the software doing any settings saving on that boot where cyber capture is messing with my software!!

Also when I programming the software where is impossible to sign every test build this wouldn’t even work, so try again.

Also what’s with this stupid Verification on every god darn post ???

Also what's with this stupid Verification on every god darn post
Forum spam protection, first 3 posts
Answer my question HOW DO I DETECT if cyber capture is enabled, is I can detect it I can delay the software doing any settings saving on that boot where cyber capture is messing with my software!!
I dont work for avast so can't give any other answer then what is in the FAQ

I have read the FAQ a few times and been throw them I am sorry if I seem snippy but this has been going on for years now, and telling someone just to sign it like there little FAQ does is pointless since cyber capture still opens the dam app.

I just need away to detect if it’s enabled or not, so I can take steps to safeguard my end users, this is perfetic in this day and age, there shouldn’t be opening my software and messing with it, for one it’s made with lua so most of my code is 100% plain text, but you know they run it, and I can see why but they are not running it in a sand box they still let the software edit and safe file, the hole thing should be ran in it’s own little sand box without been even writing any data to the PC this would then let the software run as it’s meant to later, but they don’t and my software is able ti wright configs and setting files from that cyber capture extract, but also then the capture should close the software the same way the end user would not termination.

I guess we’d need some more information… for example (hard to believe I’m saying that) a video showing the problem could be a good start, maybe also repro steps that would make it possible to replicate the problem here.

The thing is that normally cybercapture blocks (“delays” may be a better expression) the execution, before anything is actually done… so it’s kinda hard to say what the problem is. Unless you mean that the sandboxed “copy” of the process is actually allowed to change a screen resolution… that shouldn’t be allowed (if technically possible).

No video is needed and I not enabling cybercapture on my rig at the moment, and this has happened for years.

Steps, open any new program what in this case is not signed, and cyber capture garbs it, this I don’t have a problem with, I believe it should check apps
this is fine, tho avast could use the hidden tags provided by windows API so we don’t see it opening the app.

Second it does not fully sand box the app so settings from the app are affecting the computer, so yes it’s allowing changes to the resolution, this would be fine IF they closed
the app but they don’t they terminate it, there for the app is unable to tell the OS what screen resolution to return to, this in return looks bad, I added a one time boot up option
stating Cyber Capture is to blame for this problem as it is.

I am in the UK right now and cooking so I might turn CC on later this week, I don’t know how to retrigger it on my computer, maybe if I change it to a name it doesn’t know that might retrigger it so I can record it.

I know it’s only one time this does this but that one time is enough to do the damage, I say damage like its a big problem and for anyone that is mostly here talking about this kind of thing it wont be a problem to fix the resolution but for the new users and none computer people what many of us program for would think we just broke there computer.

I only need a way to detect if cybercapture is enabled, because if it’s not enabled there is no need for the delay mode I have created for the app to even be in place at that point, I only need to trigger it if it’s enabled.

I have already in the past contacted Avast about this in the past I think it was called something else back then but same basic thing opens the app and starts it up but the app as no idea this was opened by a AV so it didn’t know now to start creating settings and it surely didn’t know it it was going to be closed wrong there for it’s progress never returning the screen.