Programs "Update [Connections]"

Hi again,

Avast Free Home 4.8 Program

Notice in Avast “Program Settings” [ [Accessed System Tray] we have “Update [Connections]”
I am using “Broadband” and I also have friends using the Free Avast with “Dialup”

At the moment I have not entered a tick in for the broadband within the “My computer is permantly connected to the Internet” and also my friends have not entered a tick in for “I only connect to the internet using dialup modem”
My Windows XP Home OEM SP2 using broardband seems to communicate all OK for Avast Updates
Do we need to enter in the “Ticks” for my broardband and a tick in for my friend’s dialup??
Had a look in the Avast Helps" and they have not realy give you any positive guidelines on this section

Your comments wold be appreciated!
“Gee I feel a Avast instruction manual would be appreciated by all”
How about it Avast Programmers???
[From Australia]

The way i understand it is

if neither box is checked avast will assume that you are connected by dialup and ping for an internet connection before checking for updates.

if always connected is checked, then avast will check for updates at system startup

No, it won’t assume anything, it would just do what you’ve wrote after…

It will ping every 40 seconds for a connection… when it found, update and then wait 4 hours to the next ping sequence.

On this machine, if neither box is checked, the firewall will report ashserv is attempting to connect. Just like dialup. Sorry, just posting what I observed.


for how long does it ping every 40 seconds - forever?


I rather think (from some early 4.8 testing) that if you tell avast that you have a dial-up connection and you do not then it will wait until somewhere around hell freezes over for your connection. As you note, if you specify nothing (by leaving both boxes unchecked) then it behaves as you and Tech agree it does.