:‘( I use Avast for six years without interruption. 2 weeks ago I wanted to test the free AVG, I registered in the community and AVG gave me a gift one year license for AVG Internet Security. Avast why not do the same? I think I will pass on AVG for 1 year. I was very happy with Avast, but never give gifts. I like Avast Avast Pro or Internet Security for 1 year but Avast is not gifts. Very bad. Avira makes promotions 3 months 6 months 1 year Comodo do promotions, but never Avast. Very bad. :’(
Long is the tragic history of not being able to have ones cake and eat it also. :
Is it that hard to provide free Internet Security Avast three months or six months promotion? So you have to gain publicity and mult.Avast should take advantage of low rate of Avira.Pentru make your known commercial version will be promoting the product to test more than 1 month.
Avast should take: Avira is in free fall with the introduction of the toolbar update forced by Ask.
Well, do AVIRA and AVG provide such feature rich and almost ad free freeware versions? They don’t at all. So here is the reason why.
Yes, but to sell a commercial product and good will be promoted better. The offer of 1 month for testing is not enough. Least 3 months for testing.
Comodo Internet Security Pro 2011 provides for testing or the best product for 1 year. This security solution will be much appreciated. However they were included in the free version firewall.
Comodo is arguably run by a madman, and they make the money to pull that deal off by selling certificates (badly).
Avast! just added auto-sandbox and script shield in Free version. Not enough for you? Geez, Avast! is not Oprah Winfrey.
I think one month free trial of the paid versions of avast is ample enough time for testing to make a decision on wheather you would like to pay for the product, once installed the benefits are noticeable immediately, avasts good will come’s from providing such a feature rich free version.
Not to long ago avast did run a promotion where you could win a free license but that has since ended so next time they run a promotion maybe you will be able benefit from it if you get in quick.
Hi Florin,
Understand your attention, but avast in last few months often bring the promotion to purchase let e.g Avast Internet Security for 2 years and then got 1 year free.
I think each company have their own strategy, meanwhile avast has provide avast Free if the customer required the quality for a long time period before purchase.
But for paid version, i think for 30 days is enough already.
Avas! also has, from time to time, interesting discount offers. Sometimes even up to 55% of the list price
Greetz, Red.
Florine, uite care-i treaba, avast dispune de o versiune gratuită care este mult mai complexă și oferă mult mai multă protecție chiar de cât alte versiuni ( care nu sunt gratuite ) ale altor producători.
Plus la toate, chiar cu toate astea , avast are și el promoții, cum de exemplu a fost promoția de iarnă, când câteva mii de utilizatori avast au primit gratis câte o licență AIS, doar că nu ai fost tu norocosul( și nici eu ;D ).
Acum rămâne doar ca tu să faci alegerea, ești utilizator al avast-ului ori preferi licențe gratuite( ale unor produse care nici măcar cu versiunea gratuită a avast nu le compar ), tu hotărăști până la urmă.
I’m on my 3rd Dodge truck…Where’s my free one?? ??? Damn Dodge.
There is nothing to stop you taking advantage of the discount offers, in the free versions User Interface of 40% and more in some cases. The AIS license is for 3 systems, so a great deal if you have multiple systems, you can extend that to two or three years and make an even better saving.
Avast already offer a great free product that is very close to offering al the features of the paid products and is probably the biggest competitor to avast Pro or Internet Security suite.
in Romanian language :
Salut. Voi folosi Avast free in continuare . Nu m-a dezamagit pana acum , nu o s-o faca nici in viitor. N-am incredere in alte produse mai ales cele free. Avast free este egalul unor produse platite , comerciale , daca nu chiar peste - vorbind despre rata de detectie si puterea de reparare. Multumesc Avast pentru produsul oferit.
in English language :
Hello. I use Avast free below. I’m not disappointed so far, it does not make any in future. I trust in other products especially free. Avast free is equal to flat, commercial, if not more - talking about the rate of detection and repair power. Thanks Avast product offered.