I have a question concerning protecting the phone from being wiped. Is there a way to prevent a stolen phone with the Avast Mobile Security app from being rebooted so that a new ROM can be flashed over the phone? Also, RSDLite is used to take a SBF image to reset the phone back to stock condition. How can this be stopped? This is done by turning on the phone by pressing and holding the power button AND the volume up button. After that, the person just has hook the phone up to the USB port on your PC, run RSDLite and push the new SBF image onto the phone. That will wipe out everything.
Can you stop the user from being able to boot into recovery mode? Can I unlock it myself in case I have to SBF my phone myself?
Okay, thanks. So basically, this will protect me against the normal user who doesn’t know about rooting and recovery, but against someone like me, it’s not going to stop me.
Not that any product would be able to fully stop someone, but I was hoping that possibly, you found a way to block this.