Protecting against W32.Blaster.Worm?

Does Avast! version 4.0.235 Home Edition protect against the latest virus W32.Blaster.Worm today (August 11 2003)?

Does the latest update file version 0307-7 include protection against the latest viruses as shown below?

  • W32.Blaster.Warm
  • PWSteal.Lemir.B
  • W32.Mant.Worm
  • BAT.Rous.worm
  • W32.HLLW.Antinny
  • Backdoor.OptixPro.12.c

Why does not the Avast web-page show how many viruses in total the avast! 4 utility can detect?

In the “Information about known viruses” window, when I typed “.” in the search field, the number of listed viruses showed 171 only and I got puzzled ???. Whereas Notron Anti-Virus can detect over 65,000 viruses. Why does avast! 4 have a list containing so few viruses?

I am afraid that avast! 4 may not be as good as Norton Anti-Virus, am I wrong?

Thank you,

avast doesn’t detect Msblast=blaster=poza=lovsan yet, but i guess there’ll be an update soon.

to check for individual viruses, look in the virus database… (i get 23000+ detcted viruses, try “*”)
This number is irrelevant anyway, as Avast detects lots of viruses of the same family by generic/heuristics, whereas Norton lists every slightly different variant as a new detection.

I don’t think Norton is really better than Avast in detection (apart from Norton being a ressource-eater);
if you want top-of-the-line, use Kaspersky or AVK

to find out, how Avast names the viruses you mention, search the databases of McAfee, TrendMicro or VGREP (the latter is usually behind several days and lists only the more important viruses-> in-the-wild):

P.S.: you’ll probably never encounter Malware which Norton lists with threat-severity of “1”, i.e. all of the above except blaster.


Hi Avast guys,

Is there a timeframe please for supporting this worm?
Even if it’s just for BART, as I am having to fix a few of these now, and would be nice to do it in once go. :slight_smile:


Steve in Oz

If you use the BART CD it should not be a problem at all, delete the msblaster.exe and delete is References to the file in the registry.
AND of course close port 135-139, 445 and make all necessary Windowsupdates. :wink:

The update is there.
The beast should be identified as Win32:Blaster.


Also, there is a description of it on our web. We are adding it to our avast! Cleaner as well… Stay tuned :slight_smile:

Updated avast! Cleaner is online now… See for details and enjoy ;D

Kick Ass!