Another test bed:
My biggest concern is Internet Explorer vulnerabilities. I don’t worry about the other browsers as much. You check and make sure you have the latest updates for your version of IE if you are using it.
Hi Culpepper
I tried this link
I found this a very thourgh test & tested it with Mozilla 1.6/IE 6 sp1 & updates & Opera 7.23.The first 2 browsers were safe & had no probs & so did opera, but it did say there were 3 medium risks, but not to worry as Opera was safe
I hope U dont mind, but i sent that link to a few of my friends just so they can test themselves, so many many thanks for posting the link
PS i use Script Defender as well & find it a great prog, so far never had any alerts other than the test file it comes with
BaNzI ;D
No problem. IE 5.5 has one remaining low risk vulnerability based on those tests and MS doesn’t provide a patch for it. MS wants you to upgrade to the latest version of IE 6.0. Since it is low risk, I’m still using IE 5.5 for the time being. I mostly use other browsers anyway.