Protection Mail Wizard...


Today i note i haven’t the “Mail Protection Assistant Wizard” in the Start (Démarrer) Menu.

How can i modify the parameters?


Which version of Windows do you have ? If you have Windows XP, you don’t need Mail Protection Wizard, since everything is done automatically… Mail scanning is transparent for NT versions of Windows.

If you still want to configure your mail scanning settings, just click at avast! blue ball icon is system tray, click on DETAILS… button to see icons on the left hand side of the window… and chose internet mail provider if you use Outlook Express or any other mail client as your mail client, or Outlook/Exchange if you are using MS Outlook… there is a huge difference in between Outlook Express and MS Outlook…

If you don’t use MS Outlook, you can terminate Outlook/Exchange provider…

Cheers !

I read the Help files and ran a forum search on “mail protection wizard”…this is from the most recent entry:

How long has this been the case? The reason I’m asking is, the hard drive on my laptop died about a month or so ago and I had to change computers while getting both repaired. Hence I’ve been ‘out of the loop’ for awhile.

The last time I checked the laptop (at least within a few months ago), the Mail Protection Wizard was there; but since installing Avast on my desktop pc, it’s gone! What happened to it? Thought I was imagining things… :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway I’m using Outlook Express (not Outlook); so you’re sure it’s safe to download mail without setting up through the MPW then? There’s nothing more to do after Avast has been updated and registered?

Just double-checking in this day of incessantly proliferating viruses and worms (one can’t be too careful nowadays). Btw the section of the help file that deals with the mail wizard is a bit confusing – perhaps it could be more clearly listed under a header of the applicable operating systems (Win9x or whichever).

It happened around the time avast updated to version 4.5 I believe.

If you are using OE then you need the Internet Mail provider enabled and should work transparently no MPWizard required for XP. Just check in the Detailed view for the Internet Mail provider and you should see the scanned count increase as you receive email, you should also see the avast icon spin. Also check the email headers and ensure they are being scanned:
X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 0524-4, 16/06/2005), Inbound message
X-Antivirus-Status: Clean

If you don’t see these things your email isn’t being scanned, so get back to us.