ps2.exe crash

Hello everyone here at avast! forum.

This application called ps2.exe always seem to crash 80% of the time at startup when I boot into my Windows desktop. An error reporting window appears telling me “ps2.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.” It is happening so often now. I did a bit of research on ps2.exe and it belongs to HP (and Compaq as well) for Multimedia Keyboards and Mouses. ps2.exe controls the multimedia buttons such as the internet button or shop button.

The thing is, I never ever actually used these buttons. Yes, they are located on top of my keyboard, but I never use them. Is it safe to disable this program from startup. I contacted HP for support, and they told me to reinstall the driver. I did that and the crash still happens. I’m also thinking that some other program is conflicting with ps2.exe so it crashes. I don’t know, just a thought.

Well, I know this isn’t avast! related, but could anyone help me anyways? It’s very annoying for me to sent an error report almost every time.

Thanks. I posted the screenshot of the error report.

If you have winpatrol I would suggest disabling it in the start programmes initially, if this causes no adverse affects then I would be tempted to uninstall the programme. If you don’t need the fancy functions then I don’t believe you need it. If you don’t have winpatrol then go start - run- type in msconfig - enter - go to the start up tab and remove the tick next to the programme name. Reboot and a warning about msconfig will come up select do not show again and as with winpatrol if this causes no adverse affects consider uninstalling

I used to have a wireless desktop keyboard and I uninstalled the driver for it, I let windows find it again on reboot and select the best driver for it. The windows bog standard keyboard driver, it worked find, just no additional keys function (which I rarely ever used).

I’m not sure what the effect of disabling the ps2.exe on start-up will effect your keyboard, if that loads the drivers, etc. if they aren’t running I don’t know if you will simply have the default windows keyboard driver or none.

Thanks your replies.

I do not use WinPatrol, so ps2.exe is not affected by it.

Can I attempt to block the application from starting with MS Antispyware? It has a block feature, so if anything goes wrong after blocking it, I can reverse the action and continue from there.

Thanks again. I try later and see what happens if the ps2.exe application is blocked.