PUP Locky not block by Avast!

They will be sent to virus@avast.com and also submit@virus.avast.com

Result of analysis




Got this from https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=184212.0 @jefferson sant Posted it about 3 days ago and no blocking :o


these files are not malicious, detections from others Avs are potentially unwanted programs which is really hard to specify for each AV

So why not Avast! NOT specify it as a PUPS even it PUP Mode on? Ransomwares can spread via PUP aswell as Macro.So Avast! should block them :slight_smile:

it will in next stream update. When some programs allows to spread ransomware then it is not a PUP but malware it is not a case of these two files. Macro and PUP are something completely different, macro is specific format and PUP is name for Potentially Unwanted Programs which can by any format

Thanks for the information :slight_smile: